A question regarding the indefinite pronoun “something”

I’m having trouble with the following sentences. I have heard that it is only short (less than 10 words long) Which one is correct, or both are possibly correct?

1) What is good about smell? Why is it hot dogs?
Why do some green stuff smell so good? Are these hot dogs actually delicious?

I understand that’something’ (also referring to the plural object; i.e. Hot dogs) is a singular indefinite pronoun.

Should I use is or are in this sense?


am working on a concept for CREATE MATH, just now..thanks.. The other two are excellent..

Asked on March 10, 2021 in Grammar.
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1 Answer(s)

What does something mean in your example?

In the first sentence, “Something smells good,” the subject and verb agree. “Something” is always a singular pronoun.

Which hot dog smells great?

Something smells good

if you can smell it too! (Singular – correct)

vs. (Narrow – correct) (singular – correct)

What does hot dog smell like? (plural or perfect)

Something smells good! ( X- correct ) The

singular subject something and verb smell don't agree, even though something may not actually refer to a singular object.

Answered on March 10, 2021.
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