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  • As “upshot” usually means an outcome without a negative or positive connotation, although “upshot” is the word which could lead you to perceive the outcome as “upshot”.

    What does it mean when we use the word for “negative”, “positive” and “neutral”?

    “Upshot” is not to be confused with “upside” which is exclusively positive.

    There will be such confusion from time to time. Which comment uses the word upside instead of upshot when they can compare grammatical and mathematical results on their body : You can calculate your

    weight, height or weight with a quick internet Search : Its main upshot is that everyone knows their height and weight, and can quickly calculate a BMI, while the main downside is that you need a pretty typical frame with a typical fat-muscle breakdown and whatnot.

    Its main upshot is…, while the main downside is… is incorrect, since the writer is originally talking about an advantage, not a conclusion or end result.

    What are the quotes and sources of the original post on this site?

    What is your opinion on what kind of a person should you think to be sincerely grateful to?

    • 6 answers
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