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  • What is prosaic?

    From Cambridge :

    without interest, imagination, and excitement:

    If only she’d been called Camilla or Flavia instead of the prosaic Jane.

    I was told that I scratched my eye in a fight but he just assumed I’d hit it – I kept telling him it is the prosaic truth. I was stupid. He told me my eyes weren’t white and my chin was up!

    What is the best advice for someone considering doing politics?

    • 3 answers
    • 358356 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Single word requests.

    Is there a better term that follows you for Verisimilitude (Propeller)?

    Versimilitude is the “lifelikeness” or

    believability of a work of fiction.Language philosopher Steve Neale distinguishes between two types: cultural verismilitude, meaning plausability…outside of the work; and generic verismilitude, meaning plausibility…within the bounds of its own genre. Other

    related terms are mimesis and diegesis.

    Verismilitude has its roots in both the

    Platonic and Aristotelian dramatic theory of mimesis, which is the imitation or representation of nature. Do We Need a Grounding in Reality?

    The term “diegesis” is a two-dimensional term found only in the

    Greek language: Diegesis (Greek “narration”) and Mimesis (Greek “imitation”) have been contrasted since Plato’s and Aristotle’s times. As we are approaching the end of the millenial process, what is Mimesis represented by means of action that is enacted? Diegesis is the knowledge of a narrator in a story. Can a narrator speak as a particular character or perhaps the invisible narrator, or even the all-knowing narrator speaking from an external perspective?

    What’s your review of the new movie “Rebel Fire”?

    • 4 answers
    • 430350 votes