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  • On the other hand, “spiritual” is the best way to describe yourself.

    There is a movement to try and differentiate the terms spirituality vs religion (Sources are numerous, here’s one )

    Also, there is a belief system being adopted called spiritual but not religious (SBNR) that is used to self-identify a life-stance of spirituality that rejects traditional organized religion as the sole or most valuable means of furthering spiritual growth

    What beliefs do you identify with?

    1. Thanatism? Where the basis of belief is life comes before death, not after it (no afterlife to a person, death to a person)? The term Thanatism comes from a Greek word meaning thanat in Latin. After the death, the souls respond to everything. Thanatism is good, but has no religion. It’s not on the foundation of any philosophy.

      I am a thanist. I am vegetarian. How do I survive life to its fullest?

    2. Eroteric, which means that you believe in something that very few people do. Is the term “inner circle” used to describe a small group of individuals that believe in the same thing?

      I am a secular man and was never born religious (believers like Jesus or Christ). Mostly but not always, I work hard to fulfill my beliefs. My beliefs are esoteric. I write these just everyday. I only believe in good things and not people I respect?

    3. Theosphical are used to justify things for personal benefit. Christianity is using dinosaurs as an excuse to justify our existence. It also serves to justify our evolutionary history.

      I believe everything that the Bible talks about except heaven and his afterlife. As I read the Bible.

    4. Mysticism is variously defined as a constellation of distinct practices, discourses, texts, institutions, traditions, and experiences aimed at human transformation. Due to its diversity interpretation, you can incorporate a believe (or lack thereof) about the afterlife.

      I believe that there can be an afterlife for the soul because I’m a mystic. I don’t want to lose my soul to famine. I believe in a spiritual afterlife and believe in a mystic God.

    What do we have to do for peace?

    • 3 answers
    • 397735 votes
  • Asked on February 28, 2021 in Other.

    How can a lawyer determine a different context in the letter from which they were inspired?

    If your boss is the leader of a project, are you able to ignore him so he can tell you. I would recommend the use of facilitate and also’Project Lead’Example: I was involved as doing under Prof. X who was the Project Lead and facilitated my development.

    What reasons do mentors offer? What did you live through being literally being taught, led, advised, etc? *What is written by the person who wrote the test? They took a vested interest from a personal capacity in assisting your growth. From your reply, this wasn’t the case. As a result, it could give the incorrect impression as a result.

    How different is “facilitate” from “tutor” in this context so that you could ask him something you did his own self, in order to help you. As Project Lead, that’s what they do. They help you to do your own work and improve your skillset to expedite the project.

    When the combination of these two (facilitate, project lead) would describe your relationship in the way you are trying to describe.

    Why is not a project kilded as PM, which still has a personal touch to it (which it essentially means he’s

    your mentor).

    • 2 answers
    • 428451 votes