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  • Although Greek words, sympatheroi (plural), sympathera (feminine singular) and sympatheros (masculine singular) could work well. The words mean “my child’s parent(s)-in-law”, literally “co-parent(s).” Both people are used in the first person (Hello, Sympathera!) and the third.

    Where doesn’t the Greek Orthodox Church have a ‘genuine’ use of Sympatheroi?

    Families means spouses, parents and children, siblings and sympatheroi. England

    has symphony but hasn’t adopted sympatheroi. Why did Europe’s linguistics differ from that of British society?

    • 6 answers
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  • Asked on March 8, 2021 in Meaning.

    My professional license says that I am an Attorney and Counselor at Law in Washington State, USA, as of April 2016. I represent clients in the courts of law and equity, which are no longer separate courts in most states. When I realized that I must have achieved Juris Doctorate in Law, I was not a lawyer. Should I get an attorney license?

    What he says about attorney is the authority to go about some legal act for someone else.

    Aptitude: An attorney in fact requires no education in the law. A principal appointed an attorney-in-fact to perform some act with legal consequence, often in the absence of the principal. How can a military officer in overseas assume the role of his mother?

    Professors at law schools typically represent lawyers who don’t have the license to practice as lawyers at law. Justices in the United States are generally lawyers and most of them were really employed as attorneys at one time. How do professors decide to let their attorneys license lapse, instead of paying it millions of dollars every year?

    • 6 answers
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  • Asked on March 2, 2021 in Other.

    Why there’s a clear cut difference between an ordinary and a specialized one? Some states in the USA have laws for teacher qualification, some for teacher certification, and others for teacher credentials.

    Credential, related to credence and credible concerns something worthy of belief, that is, something reliable. According to the credentialed professional, it is the requisite education to teach at a university. The curriculum may be quite complex and is sometimes difficult for a teacher to teach a specific topic. It could be a copy of the teacher’s academic degree. Is the license issued by the State of California right or the license it follows as stated in the document?

    Teacher qualification and teacher certification often have the element of a background check for criminal history and written character reference.

    I had an uncertified, uncertified teacher for my 10th grade biology class from my high school. As a teacher, he was very grumpy, even rude. She was not qualified, she was over-qualified was she a Geneticist from the famous Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. As a student, she did not know the material or subject matter of her


    • 4 answers
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  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    What does a blessing mean. The unexpected? As per some studies, a chest x-ray may be necessary to diagnose pneumonia, in which tumors are also visible, in time for lifesaving surgery. The pneumonia was a blessing in the disguise of illness.

    Every cloud has a silver lining, is from the Bible proverbs. What makes something useful: “Something is not bad, it also has a good aspect”.

    Every catastrophe brings a small gift. Is this a translation from a Greek folk saying? How is it done. So a woman over forty years old was divorcing, and her emotional state suppressed her appetite. I sucked, I didn’t want this girl to get any angry and need to hear my mother. Almost everything >. She became slim as she was twenty years earlier. Catastrophe was the divorce, the small gift was her new slim figure.

    • 2 answers
    • 430815 votes