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  • Asked on February 17, 2022 in Meaning.

    In current business-speak, escalate is an appropriate word for this situation.

    What is the best way to escalate a problem to a team leader?

    Here is a page from the Project Management Institute that has a number of examples of how it is used, even with no definition.

    • 5 answers
    • 161 votes
  • Asked on February 17, 2022 in Meaning.

    In current business-speak, escalate is an appropriate word for this situation.

    What is the best way to escalate a problem to a team leader?

    Here is a page from the Project Management Institute that has a number of examples of how it is used, even with no definition.

    • 5 answers
    • 161 votes
  • Paper rots if it gets damp, it yellows with age, and maybe it crumbles.

    • 52 answers
    • 244451 votes
  • Asked on March 26, 2021 in Synonyms.

    There are many euphemisms in this list, few I’ve heard. If someone used any of these items, I’d probably get the drift.

    Why not specificity? I can’t wait to sneak in the car washing machine for less than 15 minutes. I can’t leave the car without causing myself to wonder. I am gonna excuse myself for such purposes, I might say I’m going to visit the washroom (or little boy’s room), and if there was any reason to say so, I might indicate I could be a few minutes– just so others are not putting their jackets on and lacing up their boots in the expectation of my return within less than sixty seconds If the New York Times took me for granted they’d like me to say it for them, or maybe I’d put them under my arm as to why it’s not the right time for me to say it.

    If you’re going to tell them the nature of the elimination, perhaps you should also include the information that you intend to thoroughly wash your hands in case some fecal matter should contaminate them. Generally speaking, do your bowel movements stay the same? I just don’t see the need for it. Why?

    Have you tried using the massive dump?

    • 12 answers
    • 232058 votes
  • Asked on March 26, 2021 in Synonyms.

    There are many euphemisms in this list, few I’ve heard. If someone used any of these items, I’d probably get the drift.

    Why not specificity? I can’t wait to sneak in the car washing machine for less than 15 minutes. I can’t leave the car without causing myself to wonder. I am gonna excuse myself for such purposes, I might say I’m going to visit the washroom (or little boy’s room), and if there was any reason to say so, I might indicate I could be a few minutes– just so others are not putting their jackets on and lacing up their boots in the expectation of my return within less than sixty seconds If the New York Times took me for granted they’d like me to say it for them, or maybe I’d put them under my arm as to why it’s not the right time for me to say it.

    If you’re going to tell them the nature of the elimination, perhaps you should also include the information that you intend to thoroughly wash your hands in case some fecal matter should contaminate them. Generally speaking, do your bowel movements stay the same? I just don’t see the need for it. Why?

    Have you tried using the massive dump?

    • 12 answers
    • 232058 votes
  • What is meant by a swarm is by all humans and not by machines. Whenever they come together they are called groups or swarms. As an example, a drone can be a UAV. If any human

    is using its tail, a swarm can even be a drone.

    • 11 answers
    • 371472 votes