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  • Insecure is a good word. Insecure people will be

    flawed, gawky and timid (in an unfamiliar setting) and often times jealousy accompanies insecurity hand in hand.

    As far as

    cynical, judgmental, nitpicking, condescending


    petulant; (of a person or their manners) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.

    All of you bring an idea to your mind when you think of it?

    Have or

    showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of people who think that they are better or more important than others haughty: : having or showing

    the insulting attitude of people who think that they are better, smarter, or more important other people and of course pretentious.

    • 5 answers
    • 98899 votes
  • Insecure is a good word. Insecure people will be

    flawed, gawky and timid (in an unfamiliar setting) and often times jealousy accompanies insecurity hand in hand.

    As far as

    cynical, judgmental, nitpicking, condescending


    petulant; (of a person or their manners) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.

    All of you bring an idea to your mind when you think of it?

    Have or

    showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of people who think that they are better or more important than others haughty: : having or showing

    the insulting attitude of people who think that they are better, smarter, or more important other people and of course pretentious.

    • 5 answers
    • 98899 votes
  • Insecure is a good word. Insecure people will be

    flawed, gawky and timid (in an unfamiliar setting) and often times jealousy accompanies insecurity hand in hand.

    As far as

    cynical, judgmental, nitpicking, condescending


    petulant; (of a person or their manners) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.

    All of you bring an idea to your mind when you think of it?

    Have or

    showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of people who think that they are better or more important than others haughty: : having or showing

    the insulting attitude of people who think that they are better, smarter, or more important other people and of course pretentious.

    • 5 answers
    • 98899 votes
  • Asked on February 28, 2021 in Word choice.

    Intellectual property would generally cover the notion of a ‘protected’ or ‘owned’ idea, in a strictly formal sense (patents on inventions, mechanical/chemical processes, innovative and unique ideas such as the rules and mechanics used in the trading card game Magic: The Gathering, which other TCG’s are prohibited from using), software, copyrighted creative works (such as the Star Wars series, which must be included and expanded in other media, such as books or videogames), etc.

    In this case, you could use intellectual property theft, which is a term used by the FBI.

    Source: gov/investigate/white-collar-crime/piracy/ip-theft

    For an informal notion, as in ‘borrowing an idea used conceived of by someone else’, I can’t think such word to describe this other than appropriation. (if the idea is not credited or attributed to it’s originator), since an idea is immaterial and as such cannot be ‘owned’ the same way a material object, such as a form of fiction can be

    • 5 answers
    • 427482 votes