silenceislife's Profile




  • I think there are some formulations that can help make things more clear-er!

    As you pointed

    out, the more complex a law is, the more difficult it is to comprehend. “It is easier for experts to evade it”.

    I think it is quite superfluous — if not tautological — to conjoin ( and ) complexity and difficulty. In terms of complexity, one dimension of difficulty is derived. The definition of difficulty does not presuppose complexity. Though complexity is inherent to something, don’t be concerned about it alone? Any one who

    wrote that the more complex a law is, or the more difficult it is to comprehend, the easier it becomes for experts to evade it.

    I hope help

    helped you…what is the best way to tell the story?

    • 1 answers
    • 100852 votes
  • Why do women

    reject tv or online dating a guy they thought would

    be fine to date.?

    I can’t help you much other than perhaps clarify what you mean although the word insular comes to mind.

    • 3 answers
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  • Asked on March 2, 2021 in Other.

    After studying I am now searching for a job as a xx within the xx industry where I can develop a long term career and expand my personal and professional skills. What do I should do?

    I would make it:

    After graduating from/with… I am now searching for a position as XXX within the XXX industry, where I can ideally mature with a like-minded company through expanding my technical and personal skills.

    The ‘ideally’ creates a bit of lee-way, on a off chance the company may be looking for short-term hires or changes its direction in the future. Is it helpful to become less picky at the school?

    If you want, you can break the sentence down for a little bit of breathing room because it seems a tad bit bit long, but that is more of a stylistic choice at this stage than a


    • 2 answers
    • 420924 votes