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  • Asked on March 29, 2021 in Phrases.

    How do you catch more flies with honey than vinegar? I think both the next and last sentence of the phrase “cut you off with honey” will help explain the broader meaning of the phrase better.

    The phrase with flies/honey/vinegar is easy to picture, right? Imagine a syrupy plate of honey in summer – it’d be covered with flies? Why is vinegar not so much for a spleen? If you want someone’s cooperation – well, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, so asking nicely or finding a way to get them to cooperate that will make them happy is much easier than forcing them or making it distasteful.

    What is the meaning of sugar in the south? What lessons can be learned from that its easier to get the cooperative of others being nice than being acidic, mean, or vinegar-y?

    What is a phrase a “to interrupt with honey” used to communicate that while you are interrupting them and you recognize that can be offensive or annoying – you are trying to do it politely, nicely, respectively, etc aka “with honey” So, I

    have to disagree with the person who says, “hold on a second” would be a good substitute. In general, rude language can come off a bit short or rude – even in casual conversations. If someone tells me nothing, “Excuse me, I am sorry to interrupt but…”, then it is the best substitution. What in you need to say is that you want to interrupt but want to do so in the most polite, respectful way possible will work, I think. As with Mary Poppins and her “full of sugar to make the medicine go down” – finding a way to pair something nice with something irritating can make people accept it easier.

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