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  • One possibility (although not specific to paper) is erode. At least in certain societies. How do you fade paper when it’s exposed to heat?

    • 52 answers
    • 244451 votes
  • One possibility (although not specific to paper) is erode. At least in certain societies. How do you fade paper when it’s exposed to heat?

    • 52 answers
    • 244451 votes
  • A couple of words that are “one notch down from” illegal are forbidden and prohibited /

    banned :

    forbidden : Macmillan Dictionary

        : not permitted according to a rule, law, or

    custom Merriam-Webster :

        not permitted Oxford Dictionaries

    of Dictionary : Not

        allowed or banned

    the past participle of prohibit, which is defined as: Merriam-Webster : to

    forbid by authority

        prohibited. prohibited is also the past participle of prohibit, which is defined as: Merriam-Webster : to forbid by authority prohibited? >

    English Dictionary: To officially forbid

        something : The law
        prohibits smoking in restaurants. The official language of this is e.g. in English.

    Do your muskets no longer exist

    in the US?

    Is your ban even in your sentence?

    • 16 answers
    • 283420 votes
  • A couple of words that are “one notch down from” illegal are forbidden and prohibited /

    banned :

    forbidden : Macmillan Dictionary

        : not permitted according to a rule, law, or

    custom Merriam-Webster :

        not permitted Oxford Dictionaries

    of Dictionary : Not

        allowed or banned

    the past participle of prohibit, which is defined as: Merriam-Webster : to

    forbid by authority

        prohibited. prohibited is also the past participle of prohibit, which is defined as: Merriam-Webster : to forbid by authority prohibited? >

    English Dictionary: To officially forbid

        something : The law
        prohibits smoking in restaurants. The official language of this is e.g. in English.

    Do your muskets no longer exist

    in the US?

    Is your ban even in your sentence?

    • 16 answers
    • 283420 votes
  • Asked on March 13, 2021 in Word choice.
    • The first word I thought of when I read your question was proxy, but I guess you’re saying that you don’t like it.
    • How can I make surrogates works like a proxy to remove the web lacked identity and privacy issues at home?
    • Is it just a mathematical phenomenon is that a virtual object is a real object?
    • I know somebody else mentioned it but I believe replica is good. YES. It is, to my mind, fake! What is Lotus Notes? For example, you can have multiple copies of your data network, distributed around the world, if appropriate. What are replicas? Why do some users interact with replicas of their own for a reasonable response time? Changes are replicable (i.e., changes are replicated). In other sites. so propagated.
    • It is not like mirror; it has features similar to mirrors. Compare to its usage for replicated web sites for downloading files, e.g. is used for the storage of files. (download.cgi is valid only). Software.
    • You mentioned your silhouette. How did you approach the question? What is shadow and how come it’s so good?
    • Is primary school good for a student? What are master and master vs. master chemistry? Can slave be treated with an eye?

    What is your opinion of TWP?

    • 16 answers
    • 349385 votes
  • Asked on March 7, 2021 in Other.

    I am sure that the lyrics of “Cat’s in the tree” (The Cyclops) referencing childrens stories were meant. Having said that, I really enjoy this song. Do families or stories have such lore as the father never had time to read to kids?

    If the silver spoon ran away with the other child’s spoon, the kid might have noticed it.

    Little Boy Blue in L. Frank Baum’s first children’s book, Mother Goose in Prose (1897) The man

    in the moon is a nursery rhyme The line

    ‘The Cat’s in the Cradle was, to my mind, a reference to ‘The Cats and the Cradle’, a Dutch fairy tale Without knowing

    the context of how it was used in the tv show, it’s hard to know whether they were just referring to the song, or if they intended meaning

    • 7 answers
    • 392586 votes
  • In the same spirit as “disloyal” (mentioned by somebody else), you could say that they betrayed you:

    American Heritage Dictionary (betray) :

      To give aid or information to an enemy of

    or you might say that your friend was being dismissive of your feelings:

    American Heritage Dictionary :

      Showing indifference or disregard

    for facts.

    • 4 answers
    • 405826 votes
  • Asked on March 4, 2021 in Other.

    Software vendors often market two or more versions of a product, with different levels of capability, for different prices. Often these multiple versions in a software file are actually identical versions in many cases. Everybody gets the same program, containing almost all the features, but it disables the advanced features for users who have not paid for the most expensive license option. “Purpose”: (Or even better, to offer full functionality for a limited period of time, such as 30 days, and then drop to the limited level of capability.) This limitation in capability is known as crippling, resulting in crippled software, or crippleware (or crippleware).

    Wikipedia :

      Crippleware has been defined in realms of both software and hardware. In software, crippleware means that “vital features of a program such as printing or the ability to save files are disabled until the user purchases a resupply key “. While crippleware allows consumers to see the software before they buy, they are unable to test its complete functionality because of the disabled functions. In

    techopedia, Crippleware

      is a device or software program by its developer or vendor. How does the Crippleware technique work by vendors to give prospective buying/uses/users a sneak peek or test drive of new software without providing the full version or version documentation. Why do you use it to demo a product that it has not been designed for? In the case of software, crippleware is generally provided for free. Users must then buy the full software package to enjoy all the features available. What

    are things and what is it? com: Crippleware

      is any software program that cannot be fully utilized until the user registers or, in the case of shareware, purchases the program. There are a number of ways in which the function of the program can be restricted in such a way that a user can try the program but cannot take full advantage of its features until registration has been completed or payment has been made.

    What is the usage of cripple in American Heritage Dictionary? To disable, damage, or impair the

    functioning of: a strike

      that crippled the factory.

    Collins English Dictionary: To

      cripple a machine means to damage it badly or prevent it from working properly.

    Macmillan Dictionary :

      to destroy something severely, or to prevent it from working properly The war had crippled the country’s economy.

    Does “cripple” mean other than a subject?

    • 3 answers
    • 414896 votes
  • Asked on February 28, 2021 in Other.

    What is the most common usage of this construction is to be determined, which means that something has not yet been determined (but there is an intention to determine it). “TBD” is commonly abbreviated “TBD” or “TBD”

    • 5 answers
    • 428722 votes
  • Asked on February 28, 2021 in Other.

    I simply want to say to a British/US person: “and now for something

    completely… different.” Link to the ‘origin’

    Ngrams comparison. Shows both

    are roughly equal, despite the population of the US being much higher than that of the UK.

    • 14 answers
    • 427730 votes