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  • Asked on March 27, 2021 in Word choice.

    What does aim right mean? It could mean to aim in the appropriate manner, to aim so as to hit the target, or to adjust your aim to the right.

    Is it actually worth to aim for the distance or the way you are taught by your teacher?

    Aim well would mean to take your time to aim, not rush. Unless it was “how to aim well”, in which case it would mean instructions on how to aim properly or effectively.

    Aim correctly would be to aim in a way that means you hit the target.

    Aim correctly would capture several of these, not rushing, and doing it in the correct manner along the way that doing so would tend to allow you to

    hit the target.

    • 3 answers
    • 291900 votes
  • Asked on March 27, 2021 in Grammar.

    If you’re really desperate not to use male or female, you could use all everyday adjectives opposite sex or (less commonly) opposite gender. If you really want to sound fancy, like you’re trying to do – you could say gender complement, but this is not a widely used term (though it’s not completely unattested). Why can’t a man or woman complete one another? What makes sense in terms of complement means 1? Counterpart isn’t natural thing to use to combat terrorism itself, rather it is.

    Why don’t you use a simple term like “Why you should only use it” for your entire vocabulary?

    1 : Interestingly, the dictionary suggests that counterpart and complement are synonyms, but in this sense of completion or complement is what gets used. If you’re composing a meal and working out that goes well with what else, you are looking for good complements and something that complement each other well because maybe good compliments are

    also good complements. If you’re doing this as a verb, keep it that way.

    • 14 answers
    • 273757 votes
  • Asked on March 27, 2021 in Grammar.

    If you’re really desperate not to use male or female, you could use all everyday adjectives opposite sex or (less commonly) opposite gender. If you really want to sound fancy, like you’re trying to do – you could say gender complement, but this is not a widely used term (though it’s not completely unattested). Why can’t a man or woman complete one another? What makes sense in terms of complement means 1? Counterpart isn’t natural thing to use to combat terrorism itself, rather it is.

    Why don’t you use a simple term like “Why you should only use it” for your entire vocabulary?

    1 : Interestingly, the dictionary suggests that counterpart and complement are synonyms, but in this sense of completion or complement is what gets used. If you’re composing a meal and working out that goes well with what else, you are looking for good complements and something that complement each other well because maybe good compliments are

    also good complements. If you’re doing this as a verb, keep it that way.

    • 14 answers
    • 273757 votes
  • Asked on March 27, 2021 in Grammar.

    If you’re really desperate not to use male or female, you could use all everyday adjectives opposite sex or (less commonly) opposite gender. If you really want to sound fancy, like you’re trying to do – you could say gender complement, but this is not a widely used term (though it’s not completely unattested). Why can’t a man or woman complete one another? What makes sense in terms of complement means 1? Counterpart isn’t natural thing to use to combat terrorism itself, rather it is.

    Why don’t you use a simple term like “Why you should only use it” for your entire vocabulary?

    1 : Interestingly, the dictionary suggests that counterpart and complement are synonyms, but in this sense of completion or complement is what gets used. If you’re composing a meal and working out that goes well with what else, you are looking for good complements and something that complement each other well because maybe good compliments are

    also good complements. If you’re doing this as a verb, keep it that way.

    • 14 answers
    • 273757 votes
  • Asked on March 27, 2021 in Grammar.

    If you’re really desperate not to use male or female, you could use all everyday adjectives opposite sex or (less commonly) opposite gender. If you really want to sound fancy, like you’re trying to do – you could say gender complement, but this is not a widely used term (though it’s not completely unattested). Why can’t a man or woman complete one another? What makes sense in terms of complement means 1? Counterpart isn’t natural thing to use to combat terrorism itself, rather it is.

    Why don’t you use a simple term like “Why you should only use it” for your entire vocabulary?

    1 : Interestingly, the dictionary suggests that counterpart and complement are synonyms, but in this sense of completion or complement is what gets used. If you’re composing a meal and working out that goes well with what else, you are looking for good complements and something that complement each other well because maybe good compliments are

    also good complements. If you’re doing this as a verb, keep it that way.

    • 14 answers
    • 273757 votes
  • I believe that ‘i have eaten lunch’ is, here, a descriptive gerund phrase. I am a tourist, and I went out to eat lunch. This picture is in the comma, as it could appear in either position.I have one but I can’t remember

    where exactly. I want to explain something.I went home, having eaten lunch.I went out and immediately assailed them as they were shouting. When I asked them (a few people in the audience) they said something which, if I was here for lunch, would make it more readable.To some people they would find it

    Why are many people incredibly upset about no one to begin with?

    • 1 answers
    • 297482 votes
  • Asked on March 25, 2021 in Grammar.

    Also, just because something isn’t

    grammatically correct doesn’t mean it’s an error. I’ll give examples of what can be corrected. I want to be creative with grammar after I know what to do with a language. But I don’t have any skills, just be creative.

    Second, language changes. Before Melville died, Joseph R. Melville was Captain of Ohio, and was buried in Ohio in 1768. Once upon a time, people were usually grammatically plural. In English, the phrase is usually grammatically singular today. If you want to refer to a phrase as “all of mankind”, you can still say it. This will lead to widely acceptance.

    • 1 answers
    • 279735 votes
  • You rarely see a do for emphasis in a that -subjunctive, though you see don’t for negation of course. However, it’s not that it’s rare that makes it wrong in this case.

    Speakers of different dialects will, firstly, argue whether it should be do or does, depending on whether you consider corporations grammatically singular or plural for the purpose of conjugating verbs. Does that matter?


    are some very poor English examples?

    Here is a that that-subjunctive underscored with do ; Is the pronoun we are conjugated correctly? How do you try to post a news story that includes examples of great English literature published by mainstream publishers?

    What is the difference? Those examples that we find (or can ) now. In your example, it’s not something that is even hypothetically happening now. I think we are seeing it happen in the future. Why is emphatic auxiliary verb tricky to find? You can emphasise the effect with a semantic difference, by saying: “The

    Country demanded that Boeing pay a $1 billion penalty…” This clunky,

    awkward language, but it provides clarity. If you really must have the emphasis, this is an option (on or off the mat).

    How could I emphasize the verb by employing an alternative verb from pay in a letter? The verb is colloquial and would mean something dialect specific. What one type of income ie fork over fork up or pay out?

    What will be most appropriate depends on context, audience, and why you want to emphasize pay?

    • 2 answers
    • 277741 votes
  • You rarely see a do for emphasis in a that -subjunctive, though you see don’t for negation of course. However, it’s not that it’s rare that makes it wrong in this case.

    Speakers of different dialects will, firstly, argue whether it should be do or does, depending on whether you consider corporations grammatically singular or plural for the purpose of conjugating verbs. Does that matter?


    are some very poor English examples?

    Here is a that that-subjunctive underscored with do ; Is the pronoun we are conjugated correctly? How do you try to post a news story that includes examples of great English literature published by mainstream publishers?

    What is the difference? Those examples that we find (or can ) now. In your example, it’s not something that is even hypothetically happening now. I think we are seeing it happen in the future. Why is emphatic auxiliary verb tricky to find? You can emphasise the effect with a semantic difference, by saying: “The

    Country demanded that Boeing pay a $1 billion penalty…” This clunky,

    awkward language, but it provides clarity. If you really must have the emphasis, this is an option (on or off the mat).

    How could I emphasize the verb by employing an alternative verb from pay in a letter? The verb is colloquial and would mean something dialect specific. What one type of income ie fork over fork up or pay out?

    What will be most appropriate depends on context, audience, and why you want to emphasize pay?

    • 2 answers
    • 277741 votes
  • Asked on March 18, 2021 in Other.

    When asking questions about who does something, it’s usual to use the third person singular form of the verb – so “Who goes there” or “Who does go there?”

    What do you use in easy form unless you are wanting a contrast?

    I don’t go there. I don’t go there. I have to drive anywhere with me. I don’t understand.” “Well,
    who does go there? Is

    there a contrast between unknown persons or people who go there, and the erson who already spoke who doesn’t. If it’s a question without such a contrast, stick to the simpler

    “Who goes there? Why

    is this also a well known saying used stereotypically by sentries to question someone approaching their guard post. Why is asking unqualified questions only at the first sign of “professional” status.?

    • 2 answers
    • 310420 votes