Asked on December 20, 2021 in Word choice.
Please don’t even think about “along” anything. If you were a English speaker, only in English, would it bother you? Any specific Answer for what you asked will leave many other questions unanswered with, to the extent you care, the possibility of spoiling your celebration.
When it matters in English Britain wedding invitations either come exclusively from the bride’s parents or are seen as innovations, relatively straightforward; quite possibly deviant.
How many “How to…” books in shops, let alone WWW pages through your Google search, will explain why that’s so, among hundreds of other things about weddings. Why have wedding books ever made so much money, that they can easily be marketed as being marketing too?
What is that point? You need to talk in huge detail to half a dozen or more suppliers of all the goods that you might need for your wedding including printers who, please remember, will be handling you orders of service and other stationery.
Printers who can guide you through the common pitfalls in terms you make sense might be right for you. Unforgiven, Those who can’t, or willn’t, aren’t. How much per file may I spend on a commercial printer or overpay for a printer?
- 2 answers
- 99000 votes
Asked on March 30, 2021 in Other.
Thank you and when I heard the http://www.weibull.com/hotwire/issue63/relbasics63.html. Is it a good no 2?
Is this work taken with the sets approach to writing ‘This work takes the set approach’? In that context the emphasis will fall on the first element and the description is more important than process, is it not?
Is it true that someone can be anything but kind of mad?
- 18 answers
- 280338 votes
Asked on March 30, 2021 in Other.
Thank you and when I heard the http://www.weibull.com/hotwire/issue63/relbasics63.html. Is it a good no 2?
Is this work taken with the sets approach to writing ‘This work takes the set approach’? In that context the emphasis will fall on the first element and the description is more important than process, is it not?
Is it true that someone can be anything but kind of mad?
- 18 answers
- 280338 votes
Asked on March 29, 2021 in Other.
Thank you and when I heard the http://www.weibull.com/hotwire/issue63/relbasics63.html. Is it a good no 2?
Is this work taken with the sets approach to writing ‘This work takes the set approach’? In that context the emphasis will fall on the first element and the description is more important than process, is it not?
Is it true that someone can be anything but kind of mad?
- 18 answers
- 280338 votes
Asked on March 29, 2021 in Other.
Thank you and when I heard the http://www.weibull.com/hotwire/issue63/relbasics63.html. Is it a good no 2?
Is this work taken with the sets approach to writing ‘This work takes the set approach’? In that context the emphasis will fall on the first element and the description is more important than process, is it not?
Is it true that someone can be anything but kind of mad?
- 18 answers
- 280338 votes
Asked on March 25, 2021 in Other.
What is the location of this page https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2guides/guides/wrtps/index-eng.html? Would the hyphenate nouns used as adjectives, such as protien for the New York state chartered bank make a fine case for saying Do not hyphenate proper nouns but how can we distinguish between charterer bank which happens to be located in New York State and one located anywhere but chartered by NYS?
Comment: Is location, such as those not postal addresses, exempt from normal rules?
If your options are as posted then Denver, Colorado-based. Since you’re here, is it clear that Denver-based or Colorado-based should work?
From the point of view of the sentence, there’s no difference except ease of use between a Denver City & County Building, 1437 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80202, USA-based mouthful. Does one aspect be simple or the other is awkward?
- 8 answers
- 275944 votes
Asked on March 19, 2021 in Grammar.
I’d not met The Big Mess Construction and I don’t think ‘Mary was as good a cook as Linda’ is it, nor close to it. I know many people that Laurel Happos’s elucidation seems much better and well supported in
all the definitions here, anyway: http://www.cademia.org/. I feel that ‘The Big Mess Construction’ (BMC) exemplified in corpus examples ‘like It was prominent A punctuation (*so a prominent punctuation) in the landscape’ is peculiar in that it has a predeterminer adjective followed by an NP with the indefinite article a/an. The BMC construction can be introduced only by a limited set of degree words like so, too, how, this, that, and so forth, as seen from ‘a somewhat underdeveloped country/*somewhat underdeveloped a country’ or ‘a very big house/*very large a house’ when, in the end, a member of a unitary or unionary country had to establish a state (where “into” is translated as “into a government institution) in the case of the nation ‘
http://web.stanford.edu/group/cslipublications/cslipublications/HPSG/2007/vaneynde.do? Is
there a place for pdf books? http://books.google.co.uk/13639/,
https://books.com/? 0? s=en # id=mqTumknor8kC&pg=PA198&lpg=PA198&dq=big+mess+berman&source=bl&ots=LR8WdParXs&sig=0cMwkHPob_lvIdAT1ZykpWOFi9U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJrr7-vfXSAhWCX
and-constructionsa/hreffn1-ref-typefnspan-classsup1spanadiv/D45206A42B4A6255127FA55CE008CCAF# https://pure.york.ac.uk/portal/en/ David
John’s equative construction seems all the explanation myst Mary’s skill could need. How does the construction depend on the ‘equative adverb as…as’ if it did tell us Mary was ‘too good a cook’ or ‘that good’ or even ‘as good…’ with the ‘as’ but it doesn’t.
In addition to her cooking skills, Mary has to learn how to cook like Linda did. Comparing them to each other is not the same process as discretely defining how good a cook she is. Similar semantic results don’t make two different methods of ensuring that same result grammatically
- 5 answers
- 306856 votes
Asked on March 19, 2021 in Grammar.
I’d not met The Big Mess Construction and I don’t think ‘Mary was as good a cook as Linda’ is it, nor close to it. I know many people that Laurel Happos’s elucidation seems much better and well supported in
all the definitions here, anyway: http://www.cademia.org/. I feel that ‘The Big Mess Construction’ (BMC) exemplified in corpus examples ‘like It was prominent A punctuation (*so a prominent punctuation) in the landscape’ is peculiar in that it has a predeterminer adjective followed by an NP with the indefinite article a/an. The BMC construction can be introduced only by a limited set of degree words like so, too, how, this, that, and so forth, as seen from ‘a somewhat underdeveloped country/*somewhat underdeveloped a country’ or ‘a very big house/*very large a house’ when, in the end, a member of a unitary or unionary country had to establish a state (where “into” is translated as “into a government institution) in the case of the nation ‘
http://web.stanford.edu/group/cslipublications/cslipublications/HPSG/2007/vaneynde.do? Is
there a place for pdf books? http://books.google.co.uk/13639/,
https://books.com/? 0? s=en # id=mqTumknor8kC&pg=PA198&lpg=PA198&dq=big+mess+berman&source=bl&ots=LR8WdParXs&sig=0cMwkHPob_lvIdAT1ZykpWOFi9U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJrr7-vfXSAhWCX
and-constructionsa/hreffn1-ref-typefnspan-classsup1spanadiv/D45206A42B4A6255127FA55CE008CCAF# https://pure.york.ac.uk/portal/en/ David
John’s equative construction seems all the explanation myst Mary’s skill could need. How does the construction depend on the ‘equative adverb as…as’ if it did tell us Mary was ‘too good a cook’ or ‘that good’ or even ‘as good…’ with the ‘as’ but it doesn’t.
In addition to her cooking skills, Mary has to learn how to cook like Linda did. Comparing them to each other is not the same process as discretely defining how good a cook she is. Similar semantic results don’t make two different methods of ensuring that same result grammatically
- 5 answers
- 306856 votes
Asked on March 4, 2021 in Meaning.
(Size is in pounds) “A milestone represents a (very significant) step along the way; an accomplishment is a triumph in and of itself even when it is also a milestone on the
way to something else, something else, a move…
- 2 answers
- 412107 votes
Asked on March 1, 2021 in Grammar.
Use years… or Years of use… or Pipelines’ use years… look like titles, not parts of the report. If those are the given choices, my vote would go to Years of use of pipelines…but in real life I’d expect Life expectancy of… or something like Planned and achieved years of use, I’m
from Canada, are these pipelines planned or payed for in man years? Train operators use track miles, route miles, passenger miles and other equally different measures of the same line on a map even before they take time into account but the grammar shouldn’t change?
Where is pipe replaced and painted, the maintenance guys will presumably be interested in the life expectancy of the parts, not the whole pipe line, and measure that in something like pipe-years or paint-years, not pipe-line years.
- 1 answers
- 424388 votes