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  • What does the malefactor neologism mean?

    “Male” corresponds to “phallus” in the OP’s question, and “factor” corresponds to “degree or quality”.

    “Mainefactor (male’-factor) is a bit over the top. The size of this beer” is a bit over the top. ”

    “Do you think it is weird to talk about it?

    • 5 answers
    • 383733 votes
  • Be the worst and consider the word you are seeking as being disproportionate.


    disproportionate : too large or too small in comparison with something else: ‘people on lower incomes spend a disproportionate amount of their income on fuel’ ‘persistent offenders were given sentences that were disproportionate to the offences they had committed’

    Your example, “Matthew stole a candy bar from a 7-Eleven and got put in jail for 17 years,” exemplifies a disproportionate punishment… and the concept of disproportionality.

    • 11 answers
    • 388004 votes
  • If someone had a grudge against you, you are a target.

    Oxford Dictionaries:

    target: a person or thing against whom criticism or abuse is directed Your

    example: Billy

    holds a grudge against Sally for something that happened. What have been Sally’s views of this crisis?

    Sally gets caught by her friends and is sent back

    into the camp. For life, she isn’t a target, she is just another target.

    • 4 answers
    • 391510 votes
  • Why do people believe in Absolutism?

    From dictionary. com:

    absolutism : Any theory holding that values, principles, etc. possibilites are measured. , are absolute and not relative, dependent, or changeable.

    Absolute: something something which exists, is not dependent on external conditions for existence or for its specific nature, size, etc. Something that is

    free from restriction or condition / Something that is independent of some or all relations (see example of relative)A believer in absolutism

    and absolutes is an absolutist. See example of relative.

    • 10 answers
    • 398558 votes
  • Tongue in cheek, but the word you’re seeking may be the following neologism:

    jobby : an endeavor between a job and a hobby

    This is how new words come into being, right? It also lines up with one’s more frequent usage of “jobs”.

    Where do you find the answer to your question in mind? All jobs are not created equal by any means. A job is a job. It is the regular remunerative position .

    Efficient to define jobs: jobbie (or jobby ) means a job, ordinarily a task rather than a form of employment for which

    one is paid (in India, general). So, jobby is not a job as defined by M+W (see below), but at the same time

    bears no obvious relationship to hobby.

    • 8 answers
    • 416851 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    I weigh in very late on this one, but the phrase (make that proverb ) that comes to mind is “What goes round comes around “:

    What goes around comes around eventually

    1. returns to its original value after completing some sort of cycle.

    2. A person’s actions, whether good or bad, will often have consequences for that person.

    Life is a vicious circle. Good goes around after bad; if great goes around, great comes around.

    Why are there lots of

    people who believe that karma is all good or bad.

    Good actions by a person cause good things to happen to that person; bad actions by a person cause bad things to happen to that person too. On their own, good actions by a person cause good things to happen to that person, but bad actions by a person cause bad things to happen to that person. What goes around comes around. In other words, what went around comes around. :-).

    • 12 answers
    • 429928 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Single word requests.

    What is criterion mass and critical mass?

    “In all of these books, the unity the characters experience is muddled by factions which swell and waver until they reach a critical mass and precipitate a catastrophe.

    Reading from an encyclopedia. com:

    critical mass: this is an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result. com: critical mass of popular support.

    What’s the best way for a complete, happy, balanced summer?

    • 2 answers
    • 427256 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Single word requests.

    How about technologists?

    A dictionary. Technician

    is a person who is trained or skilled in the technicalities of a subject Technicians

    are typically trained and skilled but not creative. Where they focus primarily on helping to implement the ideas of others.

    How about implementer?


    implementer : one who implements

    implement : Put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect

    Your example:

    Both Creatives and implementers need to work together and adapt to each other’s needs to achieve our company’s goals.

    What’s your impression of the world around you, and why are you here?

    • 2 answers
    • 429175 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Single word requests.

    What was the overall response of this question? What is flow as in information flow or information stream? Why is it meant by stream or flow or flow or information stream?

    If there’s a “black box” one flow can be in a line and into a separate “board” the flow can originate from (e.g. a li-i-t-qu-fu “pure force” or fire). There aren’t many good boxes, and if there are any problems, would some not exist. , algorithm, computational model, subroutine)).

    From Dictionary. com:

    flow : an act of flowing or movement in or as if in a stream; stream.

    , stream : a continuous flow of anything Your

    example: “The

    (information) flow for the car efficiency algorithm are engine cylinder count, engine displacement, vehicle weight, and vehicle miles per gallon.”

    What is the car efficiency algorithm using engine cylinder count, engine displacement, vehicle weight and a mile/gallon?

    What is the importance of establishing proper distance between the person and the object?

    • 3 answers
    • 430210 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Meaning.

    Is the grammar of the first example grammatically correct? Chapter 1, Rule 5, page 5-7, Chapter 1, Chapter 21. Chapter 17. Are independent

    clauses joined together by a comma?

    When two or more clauses grammatically complete and not joined by a conjunction are to form a single compound sentence, the proper mark of punctuation is a semicolon.

    What is the correct use of a semicolon when writing a compound sentence?

    What is the second example of four items responsible for three-fifths of the overall

    • spending in the world, and the most prominent share is food? Which example could be verified? Four items are responsible for

    • half of global spending; the most prominent share is food. This statement explains how

    • items and services account for three-fiveths of global spending. The most obvious share is food. I would also disagree

    with “the most prominent share is food”. How do you compare/contrasting “share (of spending)” and “food”? What is really meant by this is that “food is responsible for the largest share (of spending)”. The first “example” avoided this problem by writing “the most prominent shares being that of food”. The first “example” avoided this problem by writing “the most prominent share being that of food”. In any event, if we are going to stick with two independent clauses in the second “example”, we have the following options:

    • Four items are responsible for three-fifths of the overall spending around the world, and food is responsible for the most prominent share.

    • Three of the four items most responsible for spending around the world, food is responsible for most prominent share.

    • Four items account for 90% of the global spending. In the US, three items are responsible for two-thirds of the overall spending. In addition, only two items are responsible for about 50% of the total spending. Food is responsible for most prominent share of population.

    Given that the first “examples” are more economical than these (and has other advantages), I would use it.

    I could still quebble with the last two bulleted sentences (we could do better), but I won’t.

    • 2 answers
    • 428334 votes