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  • Asked on December 19, 2021 in American english.

    Using “me” in these cases emphasizes a personal connection to the subject: whether through choosing or ownership or another quality. For example, if your subject or topic was a student and you were a student, if you were a student, using the object in these cases also was. My shows indicates which shows this person chooses to watch (likely regularly) which says something about their identity. My grill and my oil highlight the personal connection to the implements while cooking. Tools or implements in particular seem to get this treatment frequently as they are agents of the speaker in a way.

    Having experience with Scandinavian mores, I’m not surprised that Swedish idioms tend toward the less personal.

    • 5 answers
    • 101676 votes
  • Asked on December 9, 2021 in American english.

    Using “me” in these cases emphasizes a personal connection to the subject: whether through choosing or ownership or another quality. For example, if your subject or topic was a student and you were a student, if you were a student, using the object in these cases also was. My shows indicates which shows this person chooses to watch (likely regularly) which says something about their identity. My grill and my oil highlight the personal connection to the implements while cooking. Tools or implements in particular seem to get this treatment frequently as they are agents of the speaker in a way.

    Having experience with Scandinavian mores, I’m not surprised that Swedish idioms tend toward the less personal.

    • 5 answers
    • 101676 votes