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  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    Merchant Service Fee

    is a fee that is charged for merchant services. It can be any services. The fee a seller pays for use of credit card processing services (back office), but this is because that’s how it’s paid.

    Do companies provide payment processing services without the services of the respective companies?

    What is the shipping charge for parcel delivery? If it is for something you bought and the seller is charging to send it to you, in the US this is usually referred to as a handling

    charge which

    is paid by the end buyer to the seller.

    • 1 answers
    • 429412 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    ((?) The question seems to be about the placement of not. When it is not contracted with do. Please add the next question below. Both phrases are correct with regard to word order, but the one with a separate “not” sounds more formal, and slightly archaic.

    Can “not” contractions shift the position of “not” in order to form the contraction? Why is

      it not raining? Does rain still there?  

    Is it raining? “, as you might expect from the contraction. ” – “. The first version sounds more formal yet a little archaic,, but those modern authors and writers might use it for emphasis. Do you want to go to school?


    because I want to emphasize “not”.

    Back to “two wrongs”: The wrinkle is that the writer is asking why a common expression is true. By taking “not” out of the contraction and putting it later, the common expression stays closer to its original form.

    • 4 answers
    • 428897 votes