Nick Lersberghe's Profile




  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    Why is the use of past tense dummy means that the action is already over?

    You would say this to someone showing you a photo for example; if it’s true, what would that mean?

    I thought you can not take a photo

    here” This is usually said during the action, such as when you see someone taking a picture.

    If an action, even an act happens using the latter, then why do you never use the past tense of think?

    Does the verb ‘Predict’ convey your memory of past events?

    I guess

    he couldn’t do it.

    If a guy can’t do something as in the past he was very, very stupid.. you think now about that.. What do your thoughts do in this sentence? Why it’s still there? Can someone prove to me that he

    couldn’t do this?

    He tells us what happened in the past. The clause is past while the main sentence is still present. What do we mean by that?

    What is the difference between the current periods you mentioned with your examples? What is a good way to use the present clause, when the main sentence is past tense?

    • 1 answers
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