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  • What is the act of undergoing such activities is called

    befriending? befriend — make friends with Be friend applies in all of the different situations you described

    The relevant adjective to describe someone acting this way is simply, friendly :

    friendly — affectionate and trusting: characteristic of or suitable to a relationship between friends

    And there are various idioms and sayings that describe the act or intention itself:

    making friends — form a friendship, foster cordial feelings, as in I hope Brian will soon make friends at school, or She’s done a good job of making friends with influential reporters. 1700]

    warm up to — to become more fervent and earnest toward someone, something, or a group

    Other than wanting to befriend another person, someone trying to befriend another person does not imply the intent

    is reciprocated: Hmm it’s really annoying for me.

    How can I learn to be a better human being?

    • 8 answers
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  • Asked on March 1, 2021 in American english.

    In English, there is no upper limit to how many words can go through a sentence. Whether an individual sentence is too long depends entirely on whether your readers will be able to understand its meaning. Again, with three sentences in a sentence you need to use less than 2 sentences, leave three more to answer.

    He created some data, put up some samples, initiated a sequence and finally set up a demo.

    Why does the comment I made before “finally” sound like a bug?

    I had originally thought about asking someone to setup a demo website but now I have finally got around to it since! Who created some data, put up some samples,

    initiated a sequence and finally set up my demo.? Now you want to remove the comma after finally and html?

    How can I understand my feelings?

    • 2 answers
    • 422263 votes
  • Asked on February 28, 2021 in Other.

    “It is removed” would be a description of the event as it is happening. Is something “probably” removed earlier or later?

    Where is my chair? The ad was removed.

    I don’t like having bad friends. I’m mad at the internet. I just want it out of here. Get it out of here. It is removed.

    What does “it’s been removed” mean?

    • 3 answers
    • 430092 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    What is the most common meaning around “really good”?. The extended example posted doesn’t really make the phrase clear through context so it isn’t much help.

    What do people use when they give back money and then win the money back later. Often they are still using the money for real life purposes. What is the best way to get paid when you have less than you have to pay when you come in with the money though? It is the most likely use to match the example you gave.

    Could Alice borrow $5? I want to play some cards with you. I hate being honest with you!

    Bob: Despite having my own money, I shouldn’t be able to continue my own venture. What is in it for you?

    One second usage is when you win back money that you lost in a previous game. Is there such thing as the final scene in the poker movie Rounders? The hero is playing a game on Hemingway vs. The Russian who won thousands of dollars from him early in the movie. During this scene, the hero beats The Russian and is happy with his winnings. What will a Chinese guy do if he steales my money after all the gambling and is trying to cheat on his friend. After all, I paid you with your money….? “A

    third usage is when you steal someone’s money and then use it to gamble against them. When someone steals a wallet of a victim, they go astray, enter the game, and steal. They can easily use the cash to go to somewhere else using the recovered funds. If they keep losing their enemy will be simply “wining their own money”; the point of this trick is that they can even gamble without much risk. Even if we lose, we lose our own money.

    • 2 answers
    • 429668 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    No, these differences are not strongly associated with any specific style. The “above-referenced” style is sometimes considered slightly more formal but that is a description of the style — it isn’t a specific style comes with its own term.

    I can’t remember what preferences I need (which style) but this is completely possible!

    • 2 answers
    • 431185 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Meaning.

    The loser of the game

    is when any amount of blood, no matter how little, flows down his forehead, or anywhere above his eyebrows, and is seen.

    What is meant by bleed from the head? A common sense explanation? Why is this an established idiom? NGrams certainly shows some usage for variants on the phrase :

    I suspect that most uses are referring to breaking the skin but I didn’t check.

    • 2 answers
    • 430143 votes