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  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    In the park is Mary. If you read the passive sentence below, you get an explanation please.

    How does I say that Mary is in the park? It is actually a passive sentence because the
    subject “Mary” comes after object “park” or you can say at the end of the sentence directly after the subject “Mary” it is a passive sentence for it allows the language censorship to exist! Whereas in active sentence, the subject “Mary” will come before the object “park”.

    Mary is in the park. The active sentence

    of this would be this: Mary in the park. (active sentence) (look subject is now before the object).


    In the park Mary is

    it actually not a sentence mais, a phrase or you can say “a part of a sentence by it not stating something completely i have learnt.” For ex. Dans Park Mary as she plays. However, what made a sentence incomplete if it occurred already?

    How does passive voice have to be active and passive voice? How do I edit an answer?

    • 6 answers
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