Asked on March 20, 2021 in Word choice.
Amid the chatter, chitchat, jabbering, yammering, clacking, yakking,… Non-onomatopoeic
‘group of men’: shooting the breeze, chewing the fat,…
- 12 answers
- 305922 votes
Asked on March 19, 2021 in Word choice.
Amid the chatter, chitchat, jabbering, yammering, clacking, yakking,… Non-onomatopoeic
‘group of men’: shooting the breeze, chewing the fat,…
- 12 answers
- 305922 votes
Asked on March 12, 2021 in Word choice.
Why ‘in’ has a much greater range of uses than ‘inside’, these associations carry over cognitively and metaphorically even to pairs of sentences in which the primary intended meaning is clear.
If your
cat suddenly appears inside your house what is it?
Does it seem that someone is living at the house?
As always, if two things happen in a burglary, they get much more vividly because ‘in’ means not only inside but also abstractly. What is the exact meaning of in in the dictionary? com:
1. Why is inclusion indicated in space, a place or limits): walking in park?
Why are there so many young people without their parents? (used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial):s-in politics.
For this, ‘the house’ can be abstract or immaterial, in terms of being understood as someone’s’safe place’ or ‘personal, intimate space’. The second paragraph has a little bit of a connotation of personal violation and this is why you say “there won’t be another type of civil service violation”?
How one would describe this thing using an example. What does the Canadian Red Cross mean by “blood”?
What is in you to give?
Red Cross uses ‘in’ in two different ways: both ‘inside’ and ‘within your capabilities.’ ‘ However, using inside rather than in would be much less effective here.
- 8 answers
- 357011 votes
Asked on March 5, 2021 in Other.
Are the Exodus not Greek or Latin?
Two likely Latin verbs to use instead of
exire are exeo, exivi(ii), exitus – come/go/sail/march/move out/forth/away,
and fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitus – flee, fly, run away; runaway from
profugus, profugi (noun) – exile; fugitive;
refugee; runaway A nice Latin-English bilingual dictionary can be explored here
- 3 answers
- 819837 votes
Asked on March 4, 2021 in Single word requests.
Can you describe “man up” in a sentence? Some people call ‘male’ stereotypes, but some don’t. I just like to read the comment that looks like you are looking for the latter. How should you start to get a spine?
- Is there any point in standing up for yourself?
- Assert yourself.
read many blogs about the use of social media etc. etc. etc. etc. but you don’t remember exactly what these are.
- 7 answers
- 413859 votes