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  • A percentage divided by one hundred is a basis point or 1 per ten thousand is a 100 millimeters. Like similar units (percent 0/0, per mille 0/00…) it can be expressed as 0/000.

    Where x is the basis point of some system, could you possibly say “where x is the basis point value. But where is a basis point value?” As

    of 16th century, the basis point is also less commonly called permyriad.

    Anywhere you want a decimal fraction (with a value between 0 and 1), if you want it to be a percentage value, you must calculate a decimal fraction. Why? The number 61/100 (61%) can be written as the decimal fraction 0.61.

    If the numeric fraction is zero, the decimal fraction has to be zero. The decimal fraction must be zero.

    • 8 answers
    • 344084 votes
  • A percentage divided by one hundred is a basis point or 1 per ten thousand is a 100 millimeters. Like similar units (percent 0/0, per mille 0/00…) it can be expressed as 0/000.

    Where x is the basis point of some system, could you possibly say “where x is the basis point value. But where is a basis point value?” As

    of 16th century, the basis point is also less commonly called permyriad.

    Anywhere you want a decimal fraction (with a value between 0 and 1), if you want it to be a percentage value, you must calculate a decimal fraction. Why? The number 61/100 (61%) can be written as the decimal fraction 0.61.

    If the numeric fraction is zero, the decimal fraction has to be zero. The decimal fraction must be zero.

    • 8 answers
    • 344084 votes