Asked on March 18, 2022 in Word choice.
My husband hasn’t written to me for a year. And every time I say something, he doesn’t respond.
Why does a person sometimes speak to his wife but only for a year he always does so with a yesd or grunt? Can anyone explain why the even doesn’t make much sense, or how to describe it.
My husband hasn’t told me in a month, just a hint of disrespect. My daughter is tired of him, and she is tired of him.
means he hasn’t spoken for a year and hasn’t even nodded or grunted as a form of speech.
The second version I looked at has done better overall. It is correct. How does the second rereading work? For works a little better than in and the even would usually follow the not immediately.
- 1 answers
- 272 votes
Asked on December 24, 2021 in Single word requests.
You’re kidding, right?
How is the distance traveled in a certain time?
is speed?
- 4 answers
- 89141 votes
Asked on March 16, 2021 in Single word requests.
If you really consider “domestic” to imply peaceful
tranquility, “domestic violence” is an oxymoron and you don’t need any other word. People confound it with “paradox” but it’s really a rhetorical device where markedly opposed or contradictory terms are conjoined for effect.
B. If you only mean that “domestic” modifies the meaning of “domestic violence”, that’s just called a compound noun and there’s nothing contradictory about it. What is the difference between a class of violence and other offenses?
C. The disconnect between the name Big Brother and the oppressive reality of the world described in 1984 is textbook irony : the expression of one’s meaning through words normally intending the opposite for rhetorical, literary, or humorous effect.
- 7 answers
- 329043 votes
Asked on March 16, 2021 in Single word requests.
If you really consider “domestic” to imply peaceful
tranquility, “domestic violence” is an oxymoron and you don’t need any other word. People confound it with “paradox” but it’s really a rhetorical device where markedly opposed or contradictory terms are conjoined for effect.
B. If you only mean that “domestic” modifies the meaning of “domestic violence”, that’s just called a compound noun and there’s nothing contradictory about it. What is the difference between a class of violence and other offenses?
C. The disconnect between the name Big Brother and the oppressive reality of the world described in 1984 is textbook irony : the expression of one’s meaning through words normally intending the opposite for rhetorical, literary, or humorous effect.
- 7 answers
- 329043 votes
Asked on March 7, 2021 in Single word requests.
There may be a phrase (e.g., ‘lydd’) that defines that word but fails to keep it true. What is “inept lying by commission”?
Don’t let fear or anger stop you from loving others. Do you still need to love others? What could be done if I have enough academic clout, you could just as easily do what Rogers, Zeckhauser, Gino, Norton, Schweitzer just did in 2016 at Harvard and UPenn? Take a little-known synonym for lying and simply completely redefine it. Ms Gino even had the cojones to redefine it online while including a link to a dictionary entry that doesn’t include her claimed definition as any sense of the word. If you have enough clout, such a sense can then be picked up by the Harvard Business Review, The Washington Post, and random relationships websites.
What’s the beauty about lying?
- 3 answers
- 395825 votes
Asked on March 5, 2021 in Single word requests.
Google didn’t confirm that. Is the prostu00e9rate meaning that?In which dialectical senses before “prostrate” are ‘face-down on the ground’ and now, the original English sense of “prostrate” (also known as face-down on the ground) calls back to Latin prostratus which is actually laid forth or out in the manner of a slain enemy or KOed boxer. The other senses (syllables, plurals) of ‘prostrate’ mean ‘leveled’, ‘defeated’, ‘powerless’.Is it a crime to say prostrate in a sentence, but if someone is worried at all about it, they’ll blow an eye if I say it.
If people think he is facing the wrong way in his bed would it be prone? The opposite is supine although that’s relatively less well known.
- 3 answers
- 403239 votes
Asked on March 3, 2021 in Other.
/. -T. and relate ult. In dept. From Lat. Devotion, ‘to carry, bring, or drive back.’
w/’to’ ) to report, to give an account (
legal, usu.) to report, ( to take, to make an account of) legal, to report. w/back ) to have retroactive effect
( usu. w/’to’ ) refers to, to refer to
(usu. w/’to’) to have a connection with, to stand in relation to (USu.
I see a connection between connected relationship (w/’to’ or ‘with’ ) to bring in
relation with, to establish
relationship which one feels empathy for.
which is from Eng. relate, ‘to have been or come into relation’ (also
in compounds ) connected to, having relation to connected by
blood, belonging to the same family ( biol.
) share an ancestor
some obsolete senses, incl. : knowing about an ancestor’s ancestor some obsolete senses. noun use via Lat. Relevant ult. relatum
thing’) relevant ult. De Lat.: O Lat. “Reliances, ‘lightening, easing, relieving’ (Scot.);
see also relevans. In other words, the first two
are synonyms w/r/t connected concepts. laws ausreichend((legally
sufficient) or
pertinent pertinent, bearing
on the subject at hand appropriate, applicable some obsolete senses
What are the details of our data storage proposal?
These recommendations are related to the details of our data storage proposal.
“These recommendations are relevant to the details of our data storage’, on the other hand implies they have an importance to your data storage but may not themselves directly discuss it. They just have some kind of significant effect upon it.
People are not synonyms for people.
I relate to her or I can relate to her. ]
They’re not exact synonyms w/r/t the narratives or accounts.
I related the report to him”. I
am relevant the report to him.
The report was relevant to him. Is the report “Report of the New York Times with a significance for him”? ]
They’re not exact synonyms w/r/t to references to the past.
Report relates back to incident in July. What is the source of information about the J.D. Abe in the Supreme Court? ]
] The report is related to the incident in July.
- 5 answers
- 413746 votes
Asked on February 28, 2021 in Other.
None of those are common, but they’re possessives of an understood “place” similar to chemist’s, druggists, florist’s, florist’s, grocer’s modifying an understood “shop” or “store”.
- 2 answers
- 428966 votes