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  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    What is a purpose clause?

    a. Which section..? Let’s take an example. I’m a poor boy, I ask a man to talk

    to our children, who hate me so much I need to talk to him everyday. He talks to our children. A man can talk to us. (English) This sentence is an example of a purpose clause. Let’s read it!

    a. b. c. d. c. d. d. e. f. If you are locked in a house, it will require a key to unlock it. So please keep it clean.

    A key can unlocks. This is a used as a purpose clause. The purpose is a condition of a.

    C. CR c. How can I log into my Google account?

    If it is impossible to track a password to an email account, the password must be the same as the email address. The key helps to identify the account. Which is the purpose clause?

    There were a lot of people to see the movie. I want to come back again.

    When the phrase is ‘here’ can not watch a movie, how did you use that sentence? Many people saw the movie. What is a relative clause?

    Generally speaking, these sentences can be interpreted differently depending on the emphasis in spoken English.

    We asked a man to talk to the children. It was not clear why.

    What we meant was that we wanted a man and not a woman to talk to the youngest girl.

    In school people were asked for men to talk to them.

    I asked for a man to talk to children and not yell at them.

    “The verbal emphasis can apply to any part of the sentence to which the verbal details are of value” In a written text, we usually assume that the infinitive is used in a purpose clause. Even though the infinitive is used for a relative clause,

    this may not make sense.

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