Joseph Weissman's Profile




  • Asked on February 28, 2021 in Other.

    Is language change inevitable? If yes then how fast? Yes

    it’s inevitable. In terms of actual ‘core vocabulary’ drift, I believe it is possible to derive an approximate glottochronological rate of change, which seems to have historically been at about 20% per century.

    What will my core vocabulary word have in a hundred years?

    How can I determine adherence to grammatical standards with time? Is it true that rules have a linear evolution and those rules must evolve independently of words?

    (Much more speculatively speaking: It is likely that people are always and perhaps without knowing it creating new words and phrases, but also and more slowly wrestling against a “spirit of gravity” embodied in linguistic axioms. We fight against this’master of the earth’ by bringing to light new movements and becomings that aren’t diagrammed in the form of a tree (certain poems, for example); in other words, beneath the flow of words there is a long war against the ‘tyranny of heaven’.

    Is this grammaticality itself already a politics of subjectivity? If it is, we assent to grammaticality of all forms, by torn between subjects and objects, by confronting the arborescent’stasis’ of language composed of subjects and objects, we have to confront the’real’ language, which flows in all directions at once, spreading like a patch of oil, like life itself and how

    to deal with gravitational waves (hence the ‘trophy’, which is,

    • 7 answers
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