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  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Grammar.

    This is important for Him to do. What’s the best way to express yourself in English while saying “It is important to someone/something that he is the one to do it. What were the advantages to working as a doctor if a boy did it? The

    words, “He is important to do it,” don’t come out of my (American) ear. I don’t think this is correct.

    “He is happy to do it. He can’t believe his gut instincts are failing. My mind is spinning. He is angry to do it. Then he starts over. ” means “He does it happily.” or “He is happy to have the chance to do it..he is lucky! “It

    is happy for him to do it,” does not seem correct — who is happy? Is it a happy chance that he did it?

    I am sorry to do it. Which means “Doing it makes me sad” or “I am sad that I must do such a thing.” “It

    was sorry. It’s not right if someone is either not real or uses a different meaning for “sorry”. In the previous sentence, “sorry” means “sad” or “apologetic”. Does “sorry” mean “pitiable” or “pathetic”?

    • 1 answers
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  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    Do you think that “faitheist” is real? What is your definition? Are there two coinages of faith to mock?

    The phrase “get your story straight” is commonly used by stand up comedians to mock people. The phrase points out an alleged contradiction. Is it a real or fictional story, that people against you are supposed to be mocked to make a good argument? How is people being mocked incapable of making a coherent argument about the point in question.

    • 3 answers
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  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    On computer programming, many user interface style guides say to use an ellipsis (…) at the end of a menu that will bring up a new screen. Are there any other practical suggestions?

    In the original post’s example, under “Read more…”, the text invites the user to click the text to bring up another page. How much is the interaction between the program and the screen that open with a pointer and the screen that comes up. The author may have extended the menu design rule to this situation.

    • 3 answers
    • 430442 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    What’s the word “rought” you usually use when you describe a word?

    In video board games, more pieces become available. At the end of a game, one may have a stack of “cruft”, pieces that were valuable in the previous game, but now are not very valuable compared to the other pieces. In that case the player might have a stack!

    Is the storage unit useful anymore?

    • 3 answers
    • 427222 votes