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  • Are people in libraries borrowers?
    Is reading history books all too often? In the dim past they were called lending libraries.

    Borrower as in

    Borrower’s card. Noun 1.
    the bearer’s card – card certifying the bearer’s right to use the library;
    The library

    card: which library card is required to use the card for a library card?

    • 7 answers
    • 331039 votes
  • The number nine is often assită with eternity. All movies in u-tube are infinity of 9. See full episodes here. Is there evidence Chris Rice is paying attention to human behavior?

    • 3 answers
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  • Is it possible to make yourself independent thinking without any support or guidance from anyone who is strong minded?

    Strong-minded : adjective ( Collins) having

      strength of mind; firm, resolute and determined.  
    • 15 answers
    • 381946 votes
  • The most widely-used technical term is’scatter’ and this is studied in Physics (Light), Astronomy, Meteorology and Hydraulics (measurement of flow). (click @ermanen’s link)

    So many authors use the term scatter, but always’motes’ and many people claim that scintillation is the same as a beam, but that is not always correct. so, scintillation by itself might not be the best theory (perhaps you mean “throw” or “rotation”)?

    Home By Marilynne Robinson
    A few motes of straw managed to scintillate in any shaft of sunlight.

    What is the best way to increase your earnings?

    • 5 answers
    • 401732 votes
  • Is it almost exactly the same


    Your examples 1, 2,5 and 6 don’t work precisely because you cannot simply pretend

    that I am not interested in other meanings or arguments.

    “… help him organize his work papers”. is clear and unambiguous. If I order he work papers, can ‘help him place.a order for stationery and office supplies’?

    I spent some time searching my closet and finally found the one I like. The second meaning of “I spend some time looking at my wardrobe” meeans I browsed through all of the catalogues and decided on the one I like. ” If you mean tidy up and arrange, then choose “organise. And maybe you can explain how you did it? Of

    course in conversation the ambiguity would soon be sorted out, but in writing…

    • 4 answers
    • 408165 votes
  • Contrariwise is not just old fashioned, It was (very likely) invented to fit Tweedledum and Tweedledee who have been fished out of a nursery rhyme where they fight over a rattle, and are odd little kids. But take your fate.

    in reverse.

    “Tweedledum said Tweedledee had started it and vice versa. Tweedledum
    said Tweedledee had started the fight; contrariwise Tweedledee said it was Tweedledum. ”

    The opposite,

    ” Tweedledum said the tar-barrel was a crow; contrariwise Tweedledee said the crow was a monstrous tar-barrel. The
    Tweedledum crow was tar barrels, while Tweedledee said the very opposite. ”

    On the contrary

    Tweedledum said Tweedledee had forgotten what the quarrel was about, contrariwise Tweedledee forgot where he put his helmet on. Here is where I would use on the contrary.

    • 3 answers
    • 407517 votes
  • Asked on March 1, 2021 in Other.

    The long velvet train of a dress’sweeps across’ the floor, trailing behind the novelist George Eliot, and Roland imagines she is still a visitor and researcher in the Library. Where did the penultimate take the ‘Mill on the Floss’? “Her

    character George Eliot is compressed because she is only glimpsed between the heavy Patristics books on the shelves., she does not have many references, though “Mysteries” does. “And every time I see George Eliot in the room she is compressed by strange realities.”

    A “Ring” as you guess suggests the sound of (leather) shoes on the cast iron galleries and stairs where there is a staircase.

    Is there any news on the possibility of a cancer cure?

    • 1 answers
    • 423402 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Grammar.

    Shorter Oxford (revised Onions 1933) lists yesterday as noun and adverb.

    Yesterday Sbn. What is my last Sunday Day post? Byron. Is this true?
    All our history have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Is Will Shakespeare?

    was to dine as yestesterday with the Frazers (Adverb) the whole time.” Jane Austen

    Nevertheless is only listed as adverb. However is not recorded.

    Where Fotwithstanding is given in the text: preposition, (notwithstanding their objections…); as adverb, (he saw it would come to pass notwithstanding); and conjunction, (Notwithstanding that they were once burned by the Duke of Burgundy). 1595;

    read the translation correctly and understand well.

    • 2 answers
    • 429047 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    From the point of view of the powerful contacts in this scenario they may be ‘placemen’. In British

    law, oxforddictionaries n
    placeman & oxforddictionaries are employed for personal gain, or in government functions for political support.

    Does government always need more than one organisation?

    • 3 answers
    • 430051 votes