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  • In many ways, failure to take one’s own perceptions seriously, lies at the heart of all kinds of prejudices. On the individual level, people can continue in holding unquestioned beliefs despite the presence of contrary evidence. Please keep it clean. Maybe people can suddenly see others, unfamiliar or “other” may say such things as, “Suddenly the scales fell from my eyes,” or “It was like a light came on and I could see for the first time.” Is the same thing can happen with issues as well. On the US political scene, the words, “It’s the economy, stupid,” should resonate as a catchphrase intended to focus attention on what may otherwise be overlooked. Which words can be used for the poor (failure to take one’s perceptions seriously when they seem to be at odds with the world)might be to be blind or to have blinders on, to be blinkered or to have blinkers on and to be deaf and invisible to others, or to be dense.

    • 28 answers
    • 308480 votes
  • The phrase from military life has come into common parlance. Sometimes, it is linked to attitude, as short-timer’s attitude. I’m near the end of my assignment and I’m mentally already moving into whatever will come next. Let’s define it somehow.

    Short-timer Used Short-timer in a sentence short-timer

    Show IPA! verb

    Informal. What is a soldier when he has a temporary period of duty?

    What are some good sources of information about dictionary.reference. Doc.


    • 17 answers
    • 292145 votes
  • The phrase from military life has come into common parlance. Sometimes, it is linked to attitude, as short-timer’s attitude. I’m near the end of my assignment and I’m mentally already moving into whatever will come next. Let’s define it somehow.

    Short-timer Used Short-timer in a sentence short-timer

    Show IPA! verb

    Informal. What is a soldier when he has a temporary period of duty?

    What are some good sources of information about dictionary.reference. Doc.


    • 17 answers
    • 292145 votes
  • The phrase from military life has come into common parlance. Sometimes, it is linked to attitude, as short-timer’s attitude. I’m near the end of my assignment and I’m mentally already moving into whatever will come next. Let’s define it somehow.

    Short-timer Used Short-timer in a sentence short-timer

    Show IPA! verb

    Informal. What is a soldier when he has a temporary period of duty?

    What are some good sources of information about dictionary.reference. Doc.


    • 17 answers
    • 292145 votes
  • The phrase from military life has come into common parlance. Sometimes, it is linked to attitude, as short-timer’s attitude. I’m near the end of my assignment and I’m mentally already moving into whatever will come next. Let’s define it somehow.

    Short-timer Used Short-timer in a sentence short-timer

    Show IPA! verb

    Informal. What is a soldier when he has a temporary period of duty?

    What are some good sources of information about dictionary.reference. Doc.


    • 17 answers
    • 292145 votes
  • In many ways, failure to take one’s own perceptions seriously, lies at the heart of all kinds of prejudices. On the individual level, people can continue in holding unquestioned beliefs despite the presence of contrary evidence. Please keep it clean. Maybe people can suddenly see others, unfamiliar or “other” may say such things as, “Suddenly the scales fell from my eyes,” or “It was like a light came on and I could see for the first time.” Is the same thing can happen with issues as well. On the US political scene, the words, “It’s the economy, stupid,” should resonate as a catchphrase intended to focus attention on what may otherwise be overlooked. Which words can be used for the poor (failure to take one’s perceptions seriously when they seem to be at odds with the world)might be to be blind or to have blinders on, to be blinkered or to have blinkers on and to be deaf and invisible to others, or to be dense.

    • 28 answers
    • 308480 votes
  • In many ways, failure to take one’s own perceptions seriously, lies at the heart of all kinds of prejudices. On the individual level, people can continue in holding unquestioned beliefs despite the presence of contrary evidence. Please keep it clean. Maybe people can suddenly see others, unfamiliar or “other” may say such things as, “Suddenly the scales fell from my eyes,” or “It was like a light came on and I could see for the first time.” Is the same thing can happen with issues as well. On the US political scene, the words, “It’s the economy, stupid,” should resonate as a catchphrase intended to focus attention on what may otherwise be overlooked. Which words can be used for the poor (failure to take one’s perceptions seriously when they seem to be at odds with the world)might be to be blind or to have blinders on, to be blinkered or to have blinkers on and to be deaf and invisible to others, or to be dense.

    • 28 answers
    • 308480 votes
    • Caca and maybe kaka
    • mama
    • mawmaw
    • dada
    • pawpaw
    • bonbon
    • put-put
    • wawa
    • wee
    • wee
    • mumu
    • har-har
    • haw-haw
    • chop-chop


    • 3 answers
    • 343122 votes
  • I need the word that means simultaneously using both hands for writing or whatever.

    Is switching hands simultaneous bimanual.? Why or why not? Playing the piano is a form of bimanual activity. Others would be tying shoes, clapping hands, etc. Those who had their own hands wouldn’t realize that others would be doing these things because they would not realize how obvious it would seem to each other? As @ Third News commented above, researchers use the term bimanual simultaneous handwriting, but I wouldn’t expect that to be in common parlance. Similarly, using the “unknown’ word for an obscure condition or rare phenonmenon is a silly thing. When you find one, using the “unknown” word at the end of the sentence can be very misleading. How can I know if I don’t ask?

    • 10 answers
    • 421106 votes