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  • Asked on March 29, 2022 in Meaning.

    According to Collins… a

    wire transfer is a direct payment of money from one bank account into another Bank

    transfer… a payment between two bank accounts In the

    long run, both wire transfer and bank transfer are defined as a transfer of money from one bank account to another. If a wire transfer originally refers to a particular form of bank transfer it remains widely used regardless of the actual means of transfer. How do you conduct a money transfer from bank to ATM? When currency is transferred between two banks the reason for this is wire transfer instead of bank transfer.

    If one party removes some cash from his/her wallet and then hands it to another party then a money transfer has taken place but it is not a “bank transfer” or “wire transfer”. Those said, context might be enough to make clear that the type of “money transfer” in question is a formal or bank intermediated one but if it is important to indicate the specific nature of a money transfer then using “bank transfer” or “wire transfer” might be more appropriate.

    A remittance is money that you send to someone if they have problems or something that they need fixed.

    Remittance describes the money which is being transferred

    An appropriation is an amount of money that a government or organization reserves for a particular purpose.

    In a financial institution, “money” is money (credit/money) used for money which the government aims to transfer. Not “bank” or “wire” etc. I

    don’t think that from all the other terms, although an appropriation is (eventually) money that it is not necessarily “bank” or “wire” transferred.

    • 1 answers
    • 217 votes