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  • Asked on March 11, 2021 in Word choice.

    Compost making is not a method of study. Is it possible to make a compost making product of a tree? What are composters made for? What is the similarity between Fifty Shades of Grey and Three other examples? How is there a method for study?

    “The subject of our study was…” would be correct.

    Paraphrasing, the chemical meaning of “production compost” is used across many cultures. What is meant by “making compost”?

    When applying compost made from ground straw, grass and leaf waste, cow manure, soil and burning husks were used. The resulting compost was then used as a growth medium to cultivate seeds.


    the production of compost grew, it turned out with the use of grass and leaf waste, cow manure, soil and burning husks. What form of compost was used to grow a seed.


    grass and leaf waste, cow manures, soil and burning husks were used to make this compost. The resulting compost was then used as a growth medium to cultivate seeds.


    example Grass and leaf waste, cow manure, soil, and burning husks were used to produce this compost. The resulting compost was then used as a growth medium to cultivate seeds.

    What is the effectiveness

    of various methods of making compost? Grass and leaf compost were used to produce this compost. The resulting compost was then used as a growth medium to cultivate seeds.

    As per others, why is it a good use to make compost out of one type of materials?

    Why do some

    people use different kinds of compost? We trying making batches of grass and leaf waste; cow manure; a combination of soil and burning husks. How did you grow your seeds with compost?

    What is the reason why I want to do something different?

    • 1 answers
    • 359290 votes
  • Asked on March 2, 2021 in Grammar.

    In this case, the eye is standing for the whole system of visual perception.

    This is an example of synecdoche – a figure of speech in which the part of something stands for the whole of the thing(or vice versa)*.

    Chambers Dictionary : figure of speech in which part of something is used to refer to or denote the whole thing.

    • 4 answers
    • 420828 votes
  • Asked on March 1, 2021 in Other.

    Your father is wrong. How? What is the meaning of “I am feeling hot” is the non-sexual phrase, which also has a sexual meaning, which is coming to be understood by people more and more.

    The problem with all non-sexual phrasings – e.g. word “No sex”? I’m feeling the heat” – is that they are vulnerable to double

    entendre and slang usage is not possible.

    • 3 answers
    • 424167 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    At the University of Scotland, the last day of the trimester leading up to Christmas is “Daft Friday”, with a ball that runs from 8pm to 8am.

    The following day is “Black Saturday ” – because everyone is dog-tired, hungover or both. No way to travel but around an hour but take a map.

    “Black Friday” is also a day after a day of notable celebration and consumption to excess, so may likewise be named for the feelings of exhaustion, and the need to recover from the celebrations of the day before.

    • 5 answers
    • 430101 votes