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  • Asked on December 19, 2021 in Word choice.


    • entity relationship diagrams used to visually represent data warehouse XML or similar non-physical
    • descriptions Schematic physical electronic circuitry


    • diagram of a physical
    • assembly, with a variety of formats e.g. Description:Blind


    • layout for Physical structure Scheme


    • English: An investment plan or public policy action. Is there a meaning of pejorative in any language?
    • American English: A smart plan of action, possibly unethical or even illegal. What is the pejorative in this word?

    The schematic is the word for electronic drawings. Its use is common; diagram is the way to get the schematic. Don’t use schema, just copy and paste data. Do not use scheme, especially not if intended for American English.

    • 2 answers
    • 103508 votes
  • Asked on November 30, 2021 in Word choice.


    • entity relationship diagrams used to visually represent data warehouse XML or similar non-physical
    • descriptions Schematic physical electronic circuitry


    • diagram of a physical
    • assembly, with a variety of formats e.g. Description:Blind


    • layout for Physical structure Scheme


    • English: An investment plan or public policy action. Is there a meaning of pejorative in any language?
    • American English: A smart plan of action, possibly unethical or even illegal. What is the pejorative in this word?

    The schematic is the word for electronic drawings. Its use is common; diagram is the way to get the schematic. Don’t use schema, just copy and paste data. Do not use scheme, especially not if intended for American English.

    • 2 answers
    • 103508 votes
  • Does your definition of operator dependent refer to the function of an operator without effect on a modern med center?

    Operator dependent refers to variation in results due to medical technologists use of diagnostic equipment and technology. Is it important for the clinician to be aware of such operator dependent variation? Since the deviation from the expected (normal) outcome may be etiological (and thus due to a disease process), how can you calculate how much deviation is caused by the technique used by the diagnostic technician?

    Medical imaging, EEG’s and EKG’s are subject to operator dependent results. The abstract of this paper describes operator dependent variability in diagnostic imagery of the heart :

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate variability in the quantification of myocardial perfusion images obtained by a group of experienced operators using two widely used programs…The large variability] may influence the clinical interpretation and cause false conclusions

    In the prior example, the operator was an experienced technician. The operator may be physicians, if yes. In this example, the operators are radiologists (all M.D.’s): We

    sought to assess the reproducibility of size measurements of small lung nodules examined with … Three radiologists measured volume and diameter of 20 phantom nodules and 37 lung nodules…. Operator-dependent variability of size measurements of small nodules is not negligible. Should be considered in lung cancer screening studies.

    Connotation of improper technique or lack of skill is not necessarily associated with operator-dependence results. Sometimes it’s, so too will the usability design of the testing devices itself. This study compared the effectiveness of mammography versus ultrasound and MRI. and found that ultrasound had the same rate of false negatives due to operator-dependent error as the other two methods.

    • 1 answers
    • 265306 votes
  • What is an incorrect word

    in writing of a word with the same sound? Could you provide an example: “Texas has quite a few electrical votes,” rather than electoral votes.”

    More examples include Archie Bunker calling Orthodox Jews “off-the-docks Jews”, referring to “the Women’s Lubrication Movement” rather than Liberation and “Peach ‘n cake” instead of Piece of Cake.

    • 14 answers
    • 232287 votes
  • What is an incorrect word

    in writing of a word with the same sound? Could you provide an example: “Texas has quite a few electrical votes,” rather than electoral votes.”

    More examples include Archie Bunker calling Orthodox Jews “off-the-docks Jews”, referring to “the Women’s Lubrication Movement” rather than Liberation and “Peach ‘n cake” instead of Piece of Cake.

    • 14 answers
    • 232287 votes
  • What is an incorrect word

    in writing of a word with the same sound? Could you provide an example: “Texas has quite a few electrical votes,” rather than electoral votes.”

    More examples include Archie Bunker calling Orthodox Jews “off-the-docks Jews”, referring to “the Women’s Lubrication Movement” rather than Liberation and “Peach ‘n cake” instead of Piece of Cake.

    • 14 answers
    • 232287 votes
    • Seasoned, to become seasoned with the passage of time
    • Mature i.e. Is there a god or divine? “she matured from adolescence into the full blossom of womanhood”, Gentrified:
    • That means something that was old, then improved, given the following conditions, a marginally valid answer. Is “gentrified” a term for something that got better with age (although it probably got worse before it got better)?
    • To be a classic e.g. “Simple or beautiful” “a enduring classic, having withstood the test of time”
    • Been around the block
    • Antique
    • Vintage

    Some are euphemisms, I think. What are some of the best cliches?

    Why would you say this is the most awesome video you have ever watched?

    • 8 answers
    • 342835 votes
  • Asked on March 10, 2021 in Meaning.

    What is quick fire or quickfire auction? How "simple" is quickfire auction? Is it primarily a term used in the context of online games, as @KitFox stated? I could find few other examples besides online gambling or e-commerce bidding. All four used the "Quickfire" hyphenation variant and used the quickfire variant.

    Art : Quick-Fire Paint Off & Auction :

    the painters starts with a blank canvas and end with an original work of art, just two hours later. In January 2007, Reuters published a news

    article with this title: Corus battle reaches climax in quick-fire auction (Tata Steel versus Companhia Siderurgica Nacional) and described the quick-fire auction as follows: the auction requires each side and its advisers to

    gather in different locations and bid via email. In past days, the auction has been topped off by a final round of sealed bids between the bidders and its sponsors. This is about the

    first new auction of its kind. Although authorized by the UK Takeover Panel (“an independent body whose main functions are to issue and administer the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers”), I could find no reference to “quick-fire auction” (with or without hyphen) in the organization’s records, although there were many entries for auction. Is one fast-fire auction an institution?

    Opinions: Donegal’s properties being sold during quick-fire sale : Donegal is today having a quick-fire sell-off of properties.

    What is an auction? On an auction basis, the time interval for quick-fire auction is as long as eight hours. However, it is more

    realistic to expect lengthy auctions.

    • 3 answers
    • 369721 votes
  • Asked on March 4, 2021 in Other.

    What are certain words of different meanings which exist in ancient world? Who would you prefer to spend time with, a selfish person or a self-centered person?

    How can I be selfish, yet not morally bereft of compassion and generosity? Similarly, a self-centered person might want to further his or her objectives, whether or not that meant behaving selfishly in any given situation.

    @Adel Comments My perception is similar to @Adel’s comment.. I can’t write a review of those comments as of right now. The selfish person has a strong bias toward not giving things–time, money, effort, energy, or other support to anybody other than him or herself. What appears to be more unpleasant than the alternative?

    How do a self-centered person feel about his/her own situation? As the self-centered parent implies finding oneself more fascinating than anything else, be consistent and yourself more desirable. What makes the person selfish?

    • 4 answers
    • 412778 votes