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  • Asked on December 23, 2021 in Meaning.

    Robert Mehling was right about Bill Gates and about Robert Goebel. How does old jive mean “not good, not cool, not desired”? Why do I hunger for food?

    I don’t know where the origins came from. I was born in 1941 (yes, children, I’m 71!) and the expression had been around for years before I was born. I used to think that Hungary was involved, as though if somehow something was from Hungary was automatically bad. But I don’t think that’s right. My mom used to say this and got all melodramatic when she said it, mocking it. As if, as an expression, she thought it was already becoming obsolete.

    You’ve got to be there.

    Become a part of something that made you happy.

    • 61 answers
    • 97588 votes
  • Asked on December 22, 2021 in Meaning.

    Robert Mehling was right about Bill Gates and about Robert Goebel. How does old jive mean “not good, not cool, not desired”? Why do I hunger for food?

    I don’t know where the origins came from. I was born in 1941 (yes, children, I’m 71!) and the expression had been around for years before I was born. I used to think that Hungary was involved, as though if somehow something was from Hungary was automatically bad. But I don’t think that’s right. My mom used to say this and got all melodramatic when she said it, mocking it. As if, as an expression, she thought it was already becoming obsolete.

    You’ve got to be there.

    Become a part of something that made you happy.

    • 61 answers
    • 97588 votes