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  • Asked on March 2, 2021 in Other.

    Answer part in English. Using the phrase “fire and fury” has a long history in a dialect. We’ll see pairs similar to this over and over, especially in legal language, where they’re called legally doublets. Back

    in the year 1066 France invaded England and took the place over. The reason this happens is because back in the year 1066 France invaded England and took the place over C’est le destin qu’on se did do where generally the commons spoke French, and other classes spoke English, but most of the peasants didn’t, which then created a situation where the majority spoke German, French or Latin, and left the poor out of the minority, and the common man moved to the North with them. In order to be understood clearly, they’d often pair a French word with an Anglo Saxon word, and eventually it became a common way of speaking to combine synonyms to emphasize a point.

    More often than not,

    some common pairs

    are plain and

    simple peace and

    quiet neat and

    tidy over and above Answer part 2) “At one point” in this context is referencing the fact that Trump has made more than one statement, and in one of them he made the fire and fury comment.

    Using the word “hand” generally implies two sided statements that contradict themselves. If you have two hands, you have right and left hands. What is the difference between that and why? You have two opinions on any subject. You like someone and hate them both. It’s funny right?

    Also, in this case Trump could not go back and forth between loving and hating the North Koreans, so using the word “hand” would not fit.

    Answer part 3 Again, “fire and fury” are word pairs that imply a certain type of military action – here they’re basically implying that the US will destroy everything without holding themselves back.

    Explanation Part 3) Scratch your chins. If you scratch your chin, it usually means that you’re thinking about and or considering something. What do you remember? Donald Trump has said war and rage. Did he really mean he’d nuke the whole place, or does he mean something else? What did Trump mean when he said he had anger? Why do people think Trump is “betraying Americans” and you need to tell us all that you know”?

    • 1 answers
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