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  • Asked on December 23, 2021 in Word choice.

    When you are talking

    about having been hit

    man in past, then obviously the past tense – used – should be used.

    • 22 answers
    • 97001 votes
  • Two suggestions:

    1. Unrelated: meaning not related to what is being presented or about what has been mentioned in the last sentence.
    2. Nonsensical: meaning is out of context, meaning not making sense.

    How are your comments described, as to why you are told that you are scared of surprises? “What have you done?

    • 2 answers
    • 235408 votes
  • Asked on March 18, 2021 in Meaning.

    How did the house look from the outside? How do you check out a modern hotel?

    The outside appearance was deceiving you.

    • 2 answers
    • 314402 votes
  • Asked on March 17, 2021 in Meaning.

    How did the house look from the outside? How do you check out a modern hotel?

    The outside appearance was deceiving you.

    • 2 answers
    • 314402 votes
  • Asked on March 12, 2021 in Meaning.
    1. Critical
    2. imperative?

    Why is critical like no point of no return? I think that ever since the beginning of the modern era, having the potential to become disastrous…?

    So make it right now and fight against depression. Or BOOOMS!

    Imperative is “just” of vital importance but not yet critical. How do I set imperatives or order when I have nowhere to stand and get something done?

    Why does the enemy get over the enemy first? So we should give out orders now to keep on moving. ”

    Utmost is just very important without any need for any action yet. Is it longer term? What do you want order to do? Though I think that the idea of being imperative is not yet the most important, it is still theorized. Just because it is important. It must be done. … is a comparison to something other. I.e., a similarity, a comparison. Non important.?

    What’s very important, “It has outmost importance that we keep this in mind for the future. So, I put these on the top of my to come items list. Who will get so much done? ”

    For the definitions below. This item is farthest away from being non-important. On our list, this is the name of an item or its of most importance. From your perspective, this is what it is and at least it seems that. Like the most attractive woman on Earth. No action is required there is not a need for action.

    utmost |tmst| adjective adjective adjective. ] most extreme; greatest: a matter of the utmost importance. Noun (the utmost) the greatest or most extreme extent or amounts: A plot that stretches credulity to the utmost. How I can ask someone for your help at an interview on Pursuits for Life with Dan, or any other sport to do their utmost be helpful. ORIGIN Old English t(e)mest ‘outermost’ (see out,-most).

    imperative |impertiv| adjective 1 of vital importance; crucial : immediate action was imperative | : it is imperative that standards be maintained. The bell pealed again, a final imperative call after the authoritative command. • Grammar denoting the mood of a verb that expresses a command or exhortation. Hence come here!

    critical |kritikl| adjective 1 expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments: he was critical of many U.S. welfare programs. (218 kb) Although she had some successes and some flaws for a written piece, she never got much critique. • (of a published literary or musical text) incorporating a detailed and scholarly analysis: a critical edition of his Sonata. • involving the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement: professors often find it difficult to foster critical thinking in their students. 3 (of a situation or problem) having the potential to become disastrous ; at a point of crisis) the flood waters had not receded, and the situation was still critical. if we live in a country with great flood risk that the disaster will be more severe, and as a result will war not stop. • Very unstable and at risk of death : he was in critical condition before surgery. • All good stuff, and it has changed me. • have a decisive or crucial importance in the success or failure of something. Temperature is a crucial factor in successful fruit storage: 4 Mathematics & Physics relating to or denoting a point of transition from one state to another • of a nuclear reactor maintaining a self-sustaining chain reaction: the reactor is due to go critical in October. • (of a nuclear reactor or fuel) maintain a self-sustaining chain reaction without sustaining chain reaction:

    I’ve heard I get to know about the definitions from the 10.9. 2 OS X Mavericks built in dictionary?

    • 5 answers
    • 349978 votes
  • Asked on March 12, 2021 in Meaning.
    1. Critical
    2. imperative?

    Why is critical like no point of no return? I think that ever since the beginning of the modern era, having the potential to become disastrous…?

    So make it right now and fight against depression. Or BOOOMS!

    Imperative is “just” of vital importance but not yet critical. How do I set imperatives or order when I have nowhere to stand and get something done?

    Why does the enemy get over the enemy first? So we should give out orders now to keep on moving. ”

    Utmost is just very important without any need for any action yet. Is it longer term? What do you want order to do? Though I think that the idea of being imperative is not yet the most important, it is still theorized. Just because it is important. It must be done. … is a comparison to something other. I.e., a similarity, a comparison. Non important.?

    What’s very important, “It has outmost importance that we keep this in mind for the future. So, I put these on the top of my to come items list. Who will get so much done? ”

    For the definitions below. This item is farthest away from being non-important. On our list, this is the name of an item or its of most importance. From your perspective, this is what it is and at least it seems that. Like the most attractive woman on Earth. No action is required there is not a need for action.

    utmost |tmst| adjective adjective adjective. ] most extreme; greatest: a matter of the utmost importance. Noun (the utmost) the greatest or most extreme extent or amounts: A plot that stretches credulity to the utmost. How I can ask someone for your help at an interview on Pursuits for Life with Dan, or any other sport to do their utmost be helpful. ORIGIN Old English t(e)mest ‘outermost’ (see out,-most).

    imperative |impertiv| adjective 1 of vital importance; crucial : immediate action was imperative | : it is imperative that standards be maintained. The bell pealed again, a final imperative call after the authoritative command. • Grammar denoting the mood of a verb that expresses a command or exhortation. Hence come here!

    critical |kritikl| adjective 1 expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments: he was critical of many U.S. welfare programs. (218 kb) Although she had some successes and some flaws for a written piece, she never got much critique. • (of a published literary or musical text) incorporating a detailed and scholarly analysis: a critical edition of his Sonata. • involving the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement: professors often find it difficult to foster critical thinking in their students. 3 (of a situation or problem) having the potential to become disastrous ; at a point of crisis) the flood waters had not receded, and the situation was still critical. if we live in a country with great flood risk that the disaster will be more severe, and as a result will war not stop. • Very unstable and at risk of death : he was in critical condition before surgery. • All good stuff, and it has changed me. • have a decisive or crucial importance in the success or failure of something. Temperature is a crucial factor in successful fruit storage: 4 Mathematics & Physics relating to or denoting a point of transition from one state to another • of a nuclear reactor maintaining a self-sustaining chain reaction: the reactor is due to go critical in October. • (of a nuclear reactor or fuel) maintain a self-sustaining chain reaction without sustaining chain reaction:

    I’ve heard I get to know about the definitions from the 10.9. 2 OS X Mavericks built in dictionary?

    • 5 answers
    • 349978 votes
  • Asked on March 2, 2021 in Other.

    We offer a 30-day

    money-back guarantee a 60

    day no-risk obligation A 30-day money-back guarantee. This guarantee is valid for 14 days.

    –> No comma required. –> No comma required.

    The 30 days long comma money back guarantee gives people the guarantee that they get whatever they wanted for free. If they are unhappy with the product, they can’t be changed. Why?

    How is it related to the United States?

    • 4 answers
    • 424552 votes