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  • Keep here refers to board and lodging; subsistence; support (e.g. To work for one’s keep).

    Worth one’s keep means one is worth the trouble of lodging and feeding him. When the disciples travel to the north, and Jesus is saying not to provide for their own boarding; that their work will be worth board and lodging to those they come to. As Kit points out, he is also reminding them that to be worth their keep, they must work. After all, one should not expect free handouts.

    • 68 answers
    • 170348 votes
  • Keep here refers to board and lodging; subsistence; support (e.g. To work for one’s keep).

    Worth one’s keep means one is worth the trouble of lodging and feeding him. When the disciples travel to the north, and Jesus is saying not to provide for their own boarding; that their work will be worth board and lodging to those they come to. As Kit points out, he is also reminding them that to be worth their keep, they must work. After all, one should not expect free handouts.

    • 68 answers
    • 170348 votes
  • Keep here refers to board and lodging; subsistence; support (e.g. To work for one’s keep).

    Worth one’s keep means one is worth the trouble of lodging and feeding him. When the disciples travel to the north, and Jesus is saying not to provide for their own boarding; that their work will be worth board and lodging to those they come to. As Kit points out, he is also reminding them that to be worth their keep, they must work. After all, one should not expect free handouts.

    • 68 answers
    • 170348 votes
  • Keep here refers to board and lodging; subsistence; support (e.g. To work for one’s keep).

    Worth one’s keep means one is worth the trouble of lodging and feeding him. When the disciples travel to the north, and Jesus is saying not to provide for their own boarding; that their work will be worth board and lodging to those they come to. As Kit points out, he is also reminding them that to be worth their keep, they must work. After all, one should not expect free handouts.

    • 68 answers
    • 170348 votes
  • Ngrams graphs the usages of ten-dollar bill and ten-dollar note :

    Bill is much more common than note ; you will not hear normal American conversation include the term note in referring to a ten-dollar bill. When ten-dollar note is used in American English, it is usually a numismatic term, a formal term, or else foreign currency.

    What is Banknote, the

    Banknote, and how is it used in the industry?

    Is there a question in the news?

    • 39 answers
    • 215673 votes
  • Ngrams graphs the usages of ten-dollar bill and ten-dollar note :

    Bill is much more common than note ; you will not hear normal American conversation include the term note in referring to a ten-dollar bill. When ten-dollar note is used in American English, it is usually a numismatic term, a formal term, or else foreign currency.

    What is Banknote, the

    Banknote, and how is it used in the industry?

    Is there a question in the news?

    • 39 answers
    • 215673 votes
  • Ngrams graphs the usages of ten-dollar bill and ten-dollar note :

    Bill is much more common than note ; you will not hear normal American conversation include the term note in referring to a ten-dollar bill. When ten-dollar note is used in American English, it is usually a numismatic term, a formal term, or else foreign currency.

    What is Banknote, the

    Banknote, and how is it used in the industry?

    Is there a question in the news?

    • 39 answers
    • 215673 votes
  • Ngrams graphs the usages of ten-dollar bill and ten-dollar note :

    Bill is much more common than note ; you will not hear normal American conversation include the term note in referring to a ten-dollar bill. When ten-dollar note is used in American English, it is usually a numismatic term, a formal term, or else foreign currency.

    What is Banknote, the

    Banknote, and how is it used in the industry?

    Is there a question in the news?

    • 39 answers
    • 215673 votes
  • Ngrams graphs the usages of ten-dollar bill and ten-dollar note :

    Bill is much more common than note ; you will not hear normal American conversation include the term note in referring to a ten-dollar bill. When ten-dollar note is used in American English, it is usually a numismatic term, a formal term, or else foreign currency.

    What is Banknote, the

    Banknote, and how is it used in the industry?

    Is there a question in the news?

    • 39 answers
    • 215673 votes
  • Ngrams graphs the usages of ten-dollar bill and ten-dollar note :

    Bill is much more common than note ; you will not hear normal American conversation include the term note in referring to a ten-dollar bill. When ten-dollar note is used in American English, it is usually a numismatic term, a formal term, or else foreign currency.

    What is Banknote, the

    Banknote, and how is it used in the industry?

    Is there a question in the news?

    • 39 answers
    • 215673 votes