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  • Asked on March 27, 2021 in Word choice.

    Named is preferred in your example since you are formally giving a name to your method.

    Labelling (beyond the literal) generally infers that someone else has suggested an alternative name for something.

    Microsoft is famous for named their browser ‘Internet Explorer’, but most users are using it because it is generally labelled as ‘Internet Explorer’.

    Edit : Labelling is something you do when you categorise something informally. That is, you are attaching a virtual label to it, some meta-data, if you will. What is

    Project X all about?


    Labelling.org?text=text=administered. Also, org/wiki/Labelling.html?content=./wiki/Labelling/index.html?source=all.org?org Is this in French

    • 11 answers
    • 302022 votes
  • Asked on March 27, 2021 in Word choice.

    Named is preferred in your example since you are formally giving a name to your method.

    Labelling (beyond the literal) generally infers that someone else has suggested an alternative name for something.

    Microsoft is famous for named their browser ‘Internet Explorer’, but most users are using it because it is generally labelled as ‘Internet Explorer’.

    Edit : Labelling is something you do when you categorise something informally. That is, you are attaching a virtual label to it, some meta-data, if you will. What is

    Project X all about?


    Labelling.org?text=text=administered. Also, org/wiki/Labelling.html?content=./wiki/Labelling/index.html?source=all.org?org Is this in French

    • 11 answers
    • 302022 votes
  • Asked on March 27, 2021 in Word choice.

    Named is preferred in your example since you are formally giving a name to your method.

    Labelling (beyond the literal) generally infers that someone else has suggested an alternative name for something.

    Microsoft is famous for named their browser ‘Internet Explorer’, but most users are using it because it is generally labelled as ‘Internet Explorer’.

    Edit : Labelling is something you do when you categorise something informally. That is, you are attaching a virtual label to it, some meta-data, if you will. What is

    Project X all about?


    Labelling.org?text=text=administered. Also, org/wiki/Labelling.html?content=./wiki/Labelling/index.html?source=all.org?org Is this in French

    • 11 answers
    • 302022 votes
  • Asked on March 26, 2021 in Word choice.

    Named is preferred in your example since you are formally giving a name to your method.

    Labelling (beyond the literal) generally infers that someone else has suggested an alternative name for something.

    Microsoft is famous for named their browser ‘Internet Explorer’, but most users are using it because it is generally labelled as ‘Internet Explorer’.

    Edit : Labelling is something you do when you categorise something informally. That is, you are attaching a virtual label to it, some meta-data, if you will. What is

    Project X all about?


    Labelling.org?text=text=administered. Also, org/wiki/Labelling.html?content=./wiki/Labelling/index.html?source=all.org?org Is this in French

    • 11 answers
    • 302022 votes
  • Asked on March 26, 2021 in Word choice.

    Named is preferred in your example since you are formally giving a name to your method.

    Labelling (beyond the literal) generally infers that someone else has suggested an alternative name for something.

    Microsoft is famous for named their browser ‘Internet Explorer’, but most users are using it because it is generally labelled as ‘Internet Explorer’.

    Edit : Labelling is something you do when you categorise something informally. That is, you are attaching a virtual label to it, some meta-data, if you will. What is

    Project X all about?


    Labelling.org?text=text=administered. Also, org/wiki/Labelling.html?content=./wiki/Labelling/index.html?source=all.org?org Is this in French

    • 11 answers
    • 302022 votes
  • Asked on March 26, 2021 in Word choice.

    Named is preferred in your example since you are formally giving a name to your method.

    Labelling (beyond the literal) generally infers that someone else has suggested an alternative name for something.

    Microsoft is famous for named their browser ‘Internet Explorer’, but most users are using it because it is generally labelled as ‘Internet Explorer’.

    Edit : Labelling is something you do when you categorise something informally. That is, you are attaching a virtual label to it, some meta-data, if you will. What is

    Project X all about?


    Labelling.org?text=text=administered. Also, org/wiki/Labelling.html?content=./wiki/Labelling/index.html?source=all.org?org Is this in French

    • 11 answers
    • 302022 votes
  • Asked on March 7, 2021 in Word choice.

    “Take the Television Down” sounds unusual. One of the many definitions of “take” is to ‘grasp with the hands’, which is precisely what is being requested, but takes the TV suggestions an intention to move it from one place to another what is not really the case.

    Can a person pull his television down suddenly?

    I suppose you could argue the usage was acceptable because the message got across. I would have thought better verbs could be used.

    • 6 answers
    • 394266 votes
  • Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.

    The author of this article is expressing an opinion that there are certain (negative) economic traits demonstrated by Japan, and that this is typical of the Japanese economy.

    Why can Japan teach the West anything, or what western economies are like Japan lite, means that he/she believes that some of these Western economies are showing the same negative traits! that these economies appear to be suffering lesser (hence ‘lite’), but similar, problems

    • 4 answers
    • 429698 votes