Asked on December 22, 2021 in Meaning.
Was Vicenzo Spampanato really interested in Giordano Bruno?
During his career, he divided these documents into the Documenti Veneti and the Documenti Romani, and numbered each document with a Roman numeral. Why do we use Docc for Document?
On the other hand, Docc. Rom. has a long history. What does XX, XXI mean? means documents XX and XXI from the Documenti Romani.
In Cipriana Le Corso and Vincenzo Spampanato, documenti della vita di Giordano Bruno. Opuscoli
Filosofici IV (Florence 1933) (Vincent Spampanato. Italy)
- 1 answers
- 98702 votes
Asked on December 19, 2021 in Single word requests.
Is Pontificious a dictionary?
In the same way as the word pontifical, the
word pontifical can still be used.
- 3 answers
- 102256 votes
Asked on December 19, 2021 in Grammar.
The verb will is related to the noun will, which is one’s capacity to wish or want something. What do you mean by willen in Dutch?
Is he will do it means it is highly probable for him to do it in the future” rather than “he wants to deal with it now”? What makes up probability and desirability a fluid in all the languages in Europe? See below question, whose answers contain a more thorough explanation of the shift.
How do you change the verb from wanting to future probability? Is the type of sentence you quoted a good example?
What this really and originally means is “he doesn’t want to come out” the old meaning of the verb. What is the verb? Perhaps the sense of wish or desire is not entirely clear any more to most modern speakers, but it is the reason behind this construction. Why do we sometimes find it odd when we go through it?
- 3 answers
- 102165 votes
Asked on November 28, 2021 in Single word requests.
Is Pontificious a dictionary?
In the same way as the word pontifical, the
word pontifical can still be used.
- 3 answers
- 102256 votes
Asked on November 23, 2021 in Grammar.
Both sentences are correct although infelicitous.
Though my argument does require that I illustrate them briefly, my views will commence to depart from those long current only after I have them.
My critic asserts, however, that the ‘value’ p is the value of true objective choice; and he believes that all more rational members of the group must arrive at it.
For the first time, we can compare and contrast photo series.
- 5 answers
- 103895 votes
Asked on November 22, 2021 in Grammar.
Both sentences are correct although infelicitous.
Though my argument does require that I illustrate them briefly, my views will commence to depart from those long current only after I have them.
My critic asserts, however, that the ‘value’ p is the value of true objective choice; and he believes that all more rational members of the group must arrive at it.
For the first time, we can compare and contrast photo series.
- 5 answers
- 103895 votes
Asked on November 21, 2021 in Grammar.
Both sentences are correct although infelicitous.
Though my argument does require that I illustrate them briefly, my views will commence to depart from those long current only after I have them.
My critic asserts, however, that the ‘value’ p is the value of true objective choice; and he believes that all more rational members of the group must arrive at it.
For the first time, we can compare and contrast photo series.
- 5 answers
- 103895 votes
Asked on November 17, 2021 in Grammar.
Both sentences are correct although infelicitous.
Though my argument does require that I illustrate them briefly, my views will commence to depart from those long current only after I have them.
My critic asserts, however, that the ‘value’ p is the value of true objective choice; and he believes that all more rational members of the group must arrive at it.
For the first time, we can compare and contrast photo series.
- 5 answers
- 103895 votes
Asked on November 12, 2021 in Grammar.
Both sentences are correct although infelicitous.
Though my argument does require that I illustrate them briefly, my views will commence to depart from those long current only after I have them.
My critic asserts, however, that the ‘value’ p is the value of true objective choice; and he believes that all more rational members of the group must arrive at it.
For the first time, we can compare and contrast photo series.
- 5 answers
- 103895 votes
Asked on August 13, 2021 in Single word requests.
Since you are giving it away for free, I will for once co-operate in a marketing scheme (despite my feelings towards Apple). What do you think is reasonable, but to say “Feather free download of change for the next ” or “Same until “, or “introductory price: u20ac 0,-“? What is wrong with the concept of a “good luck”?
Why can’t the world see us?
- 431 answers
- 154941 votes