Asked on March 10, 2021 in Grammar.
Does Tom couldn’t help
- cursing?
- “Tom could not but curse ”
What are idioms?
What is EDit? Tom could not help but curse? What would you take in as two negative words?
- 3 answers
- 376690 votes
Asked on March 4, 2021 in No Category.
…of a player on whom his team is based?
I’d say they are the player who can singly secure victory for their team.
From the web:
Miskelly, who missed all of last season with a serious ankle injury, made a succession of saves to nearly single handedly secure victory.
In second test, he recorded 168 runs, while Kohli scored 81 runs. India secured victory 6th overall.
What are the best tips for success with children?
- 5 answers
- 409993 votes
Asked on March 3, 2021 in Other.
renew – (v Tr) – to make (something) new, fresh, or strong again, (v intr.) to become new again. TFD
- Self renewal does not require any time of solitude and quiet. (The Self Renewing Adult)
- The main outcome of such training is a self-renewing system which could…(Leaders and Managers)
- 6 answers
- 413788 votes
Asked on March 2, 2021 in Synonyms.
If a “consistent list” seems to fit your first list definition, which has a high ratio of items with such specific property. The opposite might be an “inconsistent list”.
- (adj) showing consistency; not self-contradictory; coherent and uniform: a consistent pattern of behavior,,, the next step.
I would also suggest “all of a piece” for your first list; “discordant” or “incongruent” for the second.
- 1 answers
- 418323 votes
Asked on February 28, 2021 in Single word requests.
As mentioned by Hot Licks, “Rare Book Section” is current usage and the books you mention are, therefore, “rare books”
In the Rare Book Section of libraries one may find rare and very old editions, and some or most of them may not be accessible to the general public.
e.g., rtx.
The book was so rare, it was in the rare book section of a university… – Ref 1 After
World War 1 the Royal Library arranged a special room for its incunabula and 1635 rare books. This was the beginning of the Rare Book Section created in 1945 and consisting of… – Ref 3
“Yes, this is the rare book section and where many of the librarian’s offices are located. We renovated this section first, since our collection is invaluable. See view as our collection grows. – Ref. How
can anyone survive with only 3 stars?
- 3 answers
- 427884 votes
Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
If the girl can kill a real fly with a hammer then they can not get away without a weapon but they can murder it with a cannon and a missile it will explode.. So your advice: “never use a cannon to kill a fly.”
- To grossly overreact to something or someone’s mishap. I mean, a person with my entire life. CCL
shall be recognized as a regional body with jurisdiction over India and All India.
- 2 answers
- 428945 votes
Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
“with” is the preposition to be used in this case and I can’t think of an alternative that wouldn’t change the meaning of your sentence like “over” for instance.
- “keep you in touch over something”
- We can keep in touch over the Internet. What’s
- the point of not keeping in touch over years? If
I don’t like the preposition ” Keep in touch” I’ll just say that. I’ll just
have to remember and say no. But it’s a form.
- 2 answers
- 427676 votes
Asked on February 27, 2021 in Grammar.
It’s not illegal to write this sentence “I always found their sight relaxing” as an isolated sentence although it can be considered semantically ill-formed. In the narrative you’ve posted, however, I would use a perfect tense and would respect agreement:
- “The river is empty, except for a group of elderly people stretching, trotting and doing Tai Chi.” I’ve always found their sight relaxing.
- As the river was empty, only a group of elderly people were stretching, trotting, and doing Tai Chi. I had always found their sight relaxing.
Why would you change your perspective on the world if you changed it? I was right!
- 5 answers
- 430741 votes
Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
Who is writing; and do you recommend? I can’t imagine a grammatical sentence starting with an objective pronoun (“Us…”). If I want to be right from the very beginning, I can’t imagine a sentence starting with an objective pronoun. Writers and poets always find a way. As mentioned by Robusto, one can always start a sentence with any word and add “…is a word that…” but that would be a tricky way to answer.
- 8 answers
- 430245 votes