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  • Asked on March 27, 2021 in Grammar.

    With the same name I have, they are equal to me except for slight difference.

    ” Except for” seems to me to be used when the person asking the question wants a whole range of vegetables available, with the exception of asparagus. What vegetables do you need to cook with asparagus?
    If someone walk in a shop, and wants to buy vegetables, but he can’t see any where, so he walks to the shopkeeper and asks if there are any vegetables other than asparagus.

    If the user asking “Other than” seems to be used when the person asking the question already has “asparagus”, but wants a different vegetable. E.g. potatoes. If you’re a shopkeeper and you see asparagus the only vegetable in sight, don’t ask. You don’t have to even make an appearance. And

    I don’t see why. They are interchangeable and equivalent. I have never gotten a

    chance to ask my friend.

    • 6 answers
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  • Asked on March 25, 2021 in Meaning.

    Why is the phrase “stand” and to profit” mentioned below?

    “Stand” here is being used in such a way as to mean that the Chinese Health Ministry is in a particular position. In this case, this position is one which will grant it profit. As such,

    the Chinese Health Ministry “is in a position”(stands) to profit…

    • 8 answers
    • 248029 votes
  • Asked on March 3, 2021 in Meaning.

    Is there a way to get my hair back from you? Is there a science behind it?

    In use, it is always used with negative connotations. What’s annoying you online?

    I wouldn’t describe an April Fools’ Post as trolling. What makes you “humorous”?

    Where is the line between April Fools’ and trolling? An April Fools’ post, if harmless, would not be called “trolling”, what, where and how it was posted.

    Why is April Fools’ Day considered a trolling site?

    • 5 answers
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