What are some excerpts from “Love is labour the lost” by Shakespeare?

I have just started reading Shakespeare.

I can’t understand the writing. My problem is that I can’t really understand the writing.

Why is Shakespeare so difficult to understand? I’m not the only one that finds it hard to read any book I’ve read anywhere.

I don’t understand the use of study in the following. Und all my attempts at consulting dictionary definitions have not helped me. Is “study” a verb? Is the author saying that “study” means “common sense”? How can we study to earn a recompense? And what about forbid? Should it be forbidden?

Long. You swore to that, Berowne, and to the rest.

Ber. I swore in jest. By yea and nay, sir!
What exactly are the end of study? I want to improve everything. Let me know.

The King (Wikipedia article), I wonder. Why, that to know what else we should not know.

Ber. A. BER. BER. What’s hid and barr’d from common sense?

King. Ay, that was study’s godlike recompense.

Ber. Come on then;I will swear to study so (To know the thing I am forbid to know) To

know what I should know and know.

Asked on December 20, 2021 in Grammar.
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4 Answer(s)

Is this bit of information on twitter arcane? “study” means the same as it does in modern English. The third instance is clearly a verb, in its infinitive form: I will swear to study.

Other examples of “study” are noun forms. Why would we use the gerund “studying” every day? What is the end (i.e. “What is the end”)?” What is the purpose of studying? What is the purpose of studying? But

no, studying is not “common sense”; it is the means to discern things which are “hide” (hidden) and “barred” from common sense; i.e. which is more logical or logically rational, or more logic-based, as they are known to others. Thus, the study is not your common sense even if you are studying. What are things which are normally not accessible to common


Answered on December 23, 2021.
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Is this bit of information on twitter arcane? “study” means the same as it does in modern English. The third instance is clearly a verb, in its infinitive form: I will swear to study.

Other examples of “study” are noun forms. Why would we use the gerund “studying” every day? What is the end (i.e. “What is the end”)?” What is the purpose of studying? What is the purpose of studying? But

no, studying is not “common sense”; it is the means to discern things which are “hide” (hidden) and “barred” from common sense; i.e. which is more logical or logically rational, or more logic-based, as they are known to others. Thus, the study is not your common sense even if you are studying. What are things which are normally not accessible to common


Answered on December 23, 2021.
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Is this bit of information on twitter arcane? “study” means the same as it does in modern English. The third instance is clearly a verb, in its infinitive form: I will swear to study.

Other examples of “study” are noun forms. Why would we use the gerund “studying” every day? What is the end (i.e. “What is the end”)?” What is the purpose of studying? What is the purpose of studying? But

no, studying is not “common sense”; it is the means to discern things which are “hide” (hidden) and “barred” from common sense; i.e. which is more logical or logically rational, or more logic-based, as they are known to others. Thus, the study is not your common sense even if you are studying. What are things which are normally not accessible to common


Answered on December 23, 2021.
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Is this bit of information on twitter arcane? “study” means the same as it does in modern English. The third instance is clearly a verb, in its infinitive form: I will swear to study.

Other examples of “study” are noun forms. Why would we use the gerund “studying” every day? What is the end (i.e. “What is the end”)?” What is the purpose of studying? What is the purpose of studying? But

no, studying is not “common sense”; it is the means to discern things which are “hide” (hidden) and “barred” from common sense; i.e. which is more logical or logically rational, or more logic-based, as they are known to others. Thus, the study is not your common sense even if you are studying. What are things which are normally not accessible to common


Answered on December 23, 2021.
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