Is a product or item out of tolerance or over a threshold ?
I’m looking for a word to name an item that is outside of a set tolerance or above. It will take a few days to process. It will take 2 days for all the products mentioned. I need to install a signpost in a building that is about 2-3 feet away from the buildings. I have to place it within 25 feet of it but I already have it 100 feet away. What should we do? That signpost is outside the allowed tolerance, it goes over the allowed threshold, it is
a(n) – I was thinking it’s an outlier or “a deviant” but those don’t seem to seem to quite meet the case, and a dictionary search didn’t turn up anything else.
I want something short and sweet. That’s for a term in the software dialog, so I’m looking for a term short and sweet. What the history of “Process Deviants (Y/N)” is on YouTube?
What are some easy to understand suggestions? What is such a word?
Why should someone be complaining about not following his/her plan?
I know it means something else to you, since you’re a software developer (like me), but sounds like an exception : a
case to which a rule does not apply (source:
Merriam-Webster) A reasonable
alternative would be to adjectivize it, e.g. In some cases
it’s a formal matter of processing exceptional cases.
Is there a sense of one noun or a noun that defines a verb (as you have a verb)? If it appears that you’re seeking a noun then you could select the word breach.
Per OED definition 1.b. of breach as a verb:
figurative; spec. (in Financial and Stock Exchange jargon, to go beyond (above or below) (a figure)
A citation in the OED from the Economist presents a good example of its use to mean “breaking over the tolerance or threshold
1984 Economist 10 Mar. 52/2 So far Nakasone has not dared to breach the 1% mark.
Breach is a noun. The OED does not directly denote a noun meaning of “breach” that means “an instance of breaking over a tolerance or threshold,” but since the term is used this way as a verb frequently in technical fields, the meaning would be clear if you were to write something along the line of “Process breaches” whichever end. ”
” It is worth noting that as a noun, the word tends to mean a kind of breaking. Hence, data breaches is a common term in the information security community. In the case of this example it would be taken to indicate that the item has broken out of the tolerance level.
Non-complier works for this.
Significant noncomplier (SNC) means a water system that is violating or has violated department rules and the violations may create or have created an imminent or a significant risk to human health. The
habitual noncomplier (HNC, also known as an egregious repeater) is an individual with a history or pattern of noncompliance—a person who serially and deliberately does not comply—even after compliance intervention. If
a pdf file is available offline/on mobile device, how can one download it?
If you’re talking about physically manufactured things that don’t meet the intended specifications for them, a good word might be defect(or defective).
What are the definitions of OED is.
Anachronicity or imperfection in a person or something. A shortcoming, a failure, a fault, flaw or other abnormality. Exceptions.
An imperfect matter, the quality, state, or fact of being imperfect; defectiveness, faultiness.
If the problem is one of the use of an object, rather than its inherent characteristics, another term related to one you’ve been considering might be more appropriate. What is deviation? What are the OED a.d.?
The action of deviating; turning aside from a path or track; swerving, deflection.
What will the study of a. E. on the role of English in economy? “Screw” deflection at the equator? (Sew)?
Any course, method, rule, standard, etc. (reliance on any subject, theory or method) does not work. ;, with a and plural, an instance of this.
What kind of word is given to the rules in life that’s being broken? If its a law that you’re not obeying when you put the sign five inches from the building instead of three, you might call it a violation. If it’s a contract you’re not fulfilling the terms of, you might call it a breach of the contract. Many will agree that having no contract makes it difficult for some to do as they are only going to get sued for it anyway!
Or you might pick a term related to the topic you’re dealing with. If your software is dealing specifically with sign placement issues, you might want to use invalid placement rather than using a more specific term that might be less clear in your specific situation.
Transgressor may work.
Dictionary. What are some good definitions for dictionary. Transgress verb used with object
verb to pass over or go beyond (a limit, boundary, etc.): to transgress bounds of prudence.
What is your opinion on this article and why?
the second meaning of infringement ( Collins): (variable noun)
Infringing a law or rule is the act of breaking it or disobeying it.
is process infringing? (Y/N)
or perhaps qualified
Process Threshold Infringements? What
the direct tolerance of Y/N or Process Tolerance Infringements? (Y/N)
(the offense) A one near-synonym of infringement but perhaps more harsher and in greater need of qualification, e.g. y/n (wh/w) violations (S/M: (P) infringement (A) Non-PV violation (A) non-S/w enforcement violation (B) termination/Constitutions (V) violations (C) violation (F) infringement(A) non-violence (N) violation (A) violation Tolerance violation has given to threshold violation. What should I do for tolerance violation.? From the first meaning of violation: (noun) infringement or
breach, as of a law, law, rule, right, etc.
will you minimize Process Test Threshold Violations? Why
what way do I choose to avoid process tolerance? Why
does “Y” mean “N”? Why is “N” a “Y” for many?