Meaning “give credit to development”

“I read the following paragraph and cannot really understand “give credit to”

However, in 2004, the president of the XFree86 organization decided to make a change in the distribution license. His idea is to force people to give credit to the X Free86 development team whenever certain parts of the software were distributed.

Is Xfree86 still open source? This idea never changed. However, the new license was incompatible with the standard GNU GPL distribution license (see Chapter 2) (see chapter 2). This bothered a lot of programmers and most of the Unix companies, because it would have resulted in terrible logistical problems.

Where and when did X.Org? Take over the Development of X? Why did the XFree86 project lose many of its volunteer programmers?

I looked the idiom in Give credit to (someone) – Idioms by The Free Dictionary

  1. To give someone praise or recognition
  2. To grant or extend financial credit to someone.

They don’t seem make sense in the context.

Asked on February 28, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

In this context, the sense of acknowledgement a given. It is known that XFree86 requires that anyone releasing a product must publish an acknowledgement that they were distributing XFree86, with the acknowledgement in a certain format before giving distribution permission to others. The XFree86 development team was acknowledged to the amount of dollar amount (up to $200) that it gave to the development team.

What is closely related to the sense of credits at the end of a movie, acknowledging all the artists that helped in it.

Answered on February 28, 2021.
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