When we quote performance as a synonym for performance, what is the usage of the word performance?

I have to compare two models A and B across two case studies, C and D. I have to assemble a list of each question in Table 1. In both the studies A performed better than B. But it performed much better in case study D. On comparing the results for both

the cases, it was observed that the difference in the overall model performance, between A and B, was more for case study D, as it was more complex. So it will be used to describe how the course actually worked.

Is Gramatticaly correct? Should I write the following When would the difference in overall performance, between A and B, be greater for case

study D?

Asked on November 23, 2021 in Grammar.
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1 Answer(s)

Why does the

difference in overall performance between A and B greater in case study D?

Why use words “greater” rather than “more”.

Arguably you should add, at the end of the sentence,

than in the other case studies

but I don’t think it makes it more readable.

And it wouldn’t do anything wrong for you, personally.

Answered on December 20, 2021.
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