His eyes have made me. His memory has made me immortal. (gramar)
Can the real world know about Agrippa? His memory is as immortal as his writings are made me be. In other words, any people around the world have heard of the scholar, who, unawares, raised the foul fiend during his master’s absence and was destroyed by him.
From Mortal Immortal by Mary Shelley.
What is the context of the highlighted sentences?
As far as I can tell, His memory corresponds to his arts, not to his arts have made me. I mean, the correspondence has to be ‘word to word’ or ‘phrase to phrase’. How do you put a relative pronoun in a sentence?!
What does “Functional” mean in this sentence?
What is the best strategy to promote yourself?
Is the degree of immortality attained by his memory the same as it is conferred upon me by his arts?
Seine arts have made me immortal in the same degree his arts have made me immortal.
His art have made me as immortal as his memory.?
How did you come to this page saying that you want to support me?