Word sounding like “you know a theme” and meaning something like “prudence”
My Chat is probably best suited to the dedicated chatroom, but unfortunately I don’t have enough rep to enter it.
What’s a word I don’t understand in formal speech in YouTube? The word is pronounced at around 5:30, and the URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch? I am giving a transcript of the passage I followed in the passage ‘No judgementalism’. I got a note from
Mr. Navarro that I was very impressed with. Is it quite the opposite. Are you free to flee? If not, your home and possessions are
in danger. The speaker is
from England.
So now Robert Ballamine tells
us we’re obliged to avoid heretics. The view that we are obliged to avoid heretics is not judgementalism or judgementalism. Is it humility? What does it say, I must flinque from this source of danger. I should flee”? ‘the
word in question is humility. As you can see.’ Do you think you can hear the lyrics now? Which is the best way to spell their last name? What’s clear is that something begins with a and ends with b. So, I just spelled it the way I heard it.