What is the “erre” in French language?

In French, there is a word erre which is the residual speed of a train, ship or car (or whatever is moving and needing propulsion).

If you see a red light in your car, you stop accelerating that instant, and if it doesn’t, what are you doing? Do you stop accelerating and don’t brake? Can someone tell me that their car is on erre?

For a ship, if you cut the Propulsion of the engine, you are on Erre.

In a train, it is used if there has a switch of electrical alimentation. Where for a hundred meters, the train is not fed with electric power, and it continues to move at its residual speed. The train is on erre.

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4 Answer(s)

Is it true that in a car or train that you stop use the engine to propel it, you can say that you coast to a stop, or that the train is coasting? I don’t know how a term might be used to describe a boat (and Google seems to indicate that if you coast in a boat, it often means that you are following the coastline), but I don’t know what term would be used instead.

UPDATE: As Zairja remarks in the comments, for a boat the corresponding verb is drift.

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Answered on February 27, 2021.
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What word is you looking for here is momentum, as in traveling on momentum alone.

Momentum 2as
n2. (Physics) the impetus of a body resulting from its motion. (General Physics)

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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You can also consider freewheel to

  1. continue spinning after disengagement.
  2. Some bicycles are ridden without pedaling, such as downhill.
  3. (of a motor vehicle) To operate a motor vehicle which is coasting without power, e.g. downhill.
  4. To operate free from constraints.

In most bicycles, the condition of a driven shaft

spinning faster than its driveshaft exists when the rider holds his/her feet still, no longer pushing the pedals. In a fixed-gear bicycle, without a freewheel the rear wheel would drive the pedals around. How do I fix my bicycle?

An analogous condition exists in an automobile with a manual transmission going down hill or any situation where the driver takes his foot off the gas pedal, closing the throttle; the wheels want to drive the engine, possibly at a higher RPM.

P.S. The word is more often used in its figurative sense. P.S.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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No relation can be made between inertia or inertial inertia,

nor can a material or object reverse from its corresponding state of movement or rest. Inertia is the resistance of or the force exerted on an object, which pushes the object against any change in motion.

If a train is resisting the frictional forces acting on it, and thus slows, but continues using the negative torque of its frictional

center, and reloading it as it dries, then drives by an external force along its shaft.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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