Meaning of “soft and warm” when refers to a person since childhood.
If I’m doing a translation and I’m struggling to understand the entire sentence! “She’s soft and warm,
unmistakably alive. (What’s wrong with it) I can’t see her or her “What is wrong with her” (I’m doing translation)? How
does a girl discover that her boyfriend was dead?
I’ve done some research and I’ve just found that “soft and warm” is used to describe people, mainly asian, with a cute and fluffy face, but I don’t think that’s the case. In this context, I guess it emphasizes the idea that she is alive: her body is still warm, but I don’t fully understand the use of soft here.
What are some of the ways anyone can help me
(what’s up with you since I am still in university)?
Based on the context, I seem to be purely literal description – she’s still soft i.e. almost in all aspects. What does the “rigor mortis” mean? If you think soft and warm can be metaphorical, referring to a person’s disposition, you would not get the answer right? Soft as in the opposite of stiff; warm as in the opposite of cold.