Meaning of vicious circle but less logical but less negative so the term is used for vicious circle.

Can you think of a word that is like a vicious circle? Where it’s difficult to say which thing creates the other, but not in a negative way? I know vicious circle means that but it has a negative connotation.

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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12 Answer(s)

Classic chicken egg situation.

(Sayed Beef & Chicken) Denotes a situation in which two things appear to be necessary to the other, making it impossible to know which came first.

What are some tips for a successful entrepreneur?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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I agree that there is no negative feedback loop in a vicious circle.

Business is a classic example of missing on a deadline. Employees complain about ‘what should we expect’ and are disappointed that they’ll be terminated, and that is when they are feeling down. Will there be a sudden decrease in productivity to come in relation to a morale drop in the organization? Why is a deadline missed? Ad nauseum.

Why do we need to don’t just stop the loop and start making negative feedback loops?

Recognize and re-organize our task schedule so we can meet the next deadline. How can I lift the job and do my morale? Watch happy as productivity soars and we smash the following deadlines.

If there is no neutral term for a single random feedback loop, then it is just wikipedia.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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The German word for Uroboros (sometimes spelled ouroboros) is defined by Oxforddictionaries. As A

circular symbol depicting a snake swallowing its tail, as an emblem of wholeness or infinity.

Why is the process of endless cycle called Uroboros?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Catch-22 is slighly negative but less so than vicious circle while also conveying unclarity about cause and effect or which thing creates the other


Answered on February 27, 2021.
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What is a self-perpetuating situation that is, in its nature, forced to continue to exist?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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The positive complement of a vicious circle is a virtuous circle

The terms virtuous circle and vicious circle (also also referred to as virtuous cycle and vicious cycle) refer to complex chains of events which reinforce themselves through a feedback loop. 1 A virtuous circle has favorable results, and a vicious circle has detrimental results. (Variable circle = untrue circle )


enlightens what is Wikipedia about.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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When you say, circular, where, it’s difficult to state which thing creates the other, you might say,

self propagating or self replicating.

This has a slight problem if you’re trying to make a distinction that there is more than one thing involved in each step in the process. Certainly one can create all or one, but without limit, but both can create the other?

Similar to some other answers, but for a term that just matches your statement “like a vicious circle”, but less negative, say: in perpetuity.

What is it like to be a lawyer or a lawyer?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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The idiomatic metaphor “vicious circle” means literally “a vicious or very difficult path, upon which one following to the end will find oneself back at the beginning”. What should I do if I am stuck between rock

  • and hard place? With a deadline fast approaching… and no sources in mind to help him build his story, Josh felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. He resisted, but was eventually released. He must do something. One

  • step forward, two steps back – colloquial/general use – Another idiomatic phrase, this one describes a sense of frustration over an inability to make progress, usually in a situation where the solving of one problem created or will create other problems. Example: “Every repair we make is one step forward, two steps back!” If a ship was damaged without tools, we can’t fix it today! ”

  • What if we have a status quo, and the speaker can’t break out of it? When Jessica’s idea for a morals focus group was shut down by company leadership, grudgingly derided the company as stuck in the status quo. I want to see someone that will move us to something else, I want to get my name back. ” “Caught

  • in an endless loop” – colloquial/general use – Probably the closest to the idiom mentioned in the question, but with less focus on harm to the speaker, this idiomatic phrase describes a sense of being forced to repeat the same task or event over and over again. While quite similar in structure to the idiomatic phrase used in the question, I am including this one because it is used colloquially. “‘You were denied for a promotion again? ‘Yes… Sometimes it feels like I’m caught in an endless loop…” Stuck

  • on a/the hamster wheel – colloquial/informative This is a cuter form of caught in an endless loop. Is it the same thing?

How are you feeling about a new product or service?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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What is the term positive feedback loop? It refers to a process that is self-enforced, like the greenhouse gas effect. The opposite is a negative or “stabilizing” feedback loop where the process is self-stabilizing, like a thermostat.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Symbiosis: Negative and Positive

If you are adamant in wanting a single word to describe the phenomenon you describe, I suggest the word symbiosis which describes a relationship between two organisms in which one is helped and one is hurt or both are helped.

In parasitism the host provides the parasite with an obvious benefit while only the host suffers. This can be highly damaging for a parasite and can be harmful for the parasite at the same time. Can a tapeworm be infected with a parasite in its host’s gut? Is the parasite gaining while the host loses?

How do we are to create a positive kind of symbiosis? The native acacia tree and ants enjoy this kind of relationship, with the tree the host, and the ants being the symbionts.

The tree provides ants with a home and also with two food sources, while the ants attack the tree’s natural enemies, such as grasshoppers, caterpillars, deers) and even other competing vegetation! What do you think of “win-win”?

If a beneficial cycle is true,

how can it be considered? But instead of a vicious cycle there exists a healthy interaction which, because of its mutuality, repeats itself again and again.

What is reinforcement

and conditioning? Another word which describes a cyclical phenomenon which can either be either negative or positive is reinforcement. Positive reinforcement, of course, is associated with an “issue” which tends to encourage desirable behavior, as when a teacher, for example, praises students for giving good answers. What are the two ways of raising the student attitude toward teachers who reward special attention for their academics – the teacher’s praise and the tutor’s praise?

Punishment, on the other hand, is a negative kind of conditioning which tends to extinguish unwanted behaviors, while negative reinforcement (also called escape conditioning) is a special case of reinforcement through which non-desirable behaviors are actually encouraged. Is a parent who let his daughter stay home from school because he has a test on Saturday? Parents encourage future avoidance behavior in the child.


to the scientific, cyclical phenomena are everywhere and can be negative, positive etc. Conclusion Cyclical phenomena are what a human experiences when he sees them, and can be repeated multiple times. A recent strain of gonorrhea is proving to be increasingly resistant to traditional anti-bacterial medicines, for example. Disease resistance can be described quite accurately as a vicious cycle, since bacteria (and viruses) are adept at adapting to the challenges medical science throws their way, and they become increasingly stronger and medicine resistant. In other words, what is the best antibiotic that doctors can get out by killing the bad bacteria?

Likewise, the human beings can engage in cyclical behavior of symbiotic mutualism, two examples being random acts of kindness! Which is the kind of cycles which encourage both surviving and thriving right


Answered on February 27, 2021.
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