Difference between Certificate and Diploma?
I am translating my BSc curriculum to apply to a US university and I can’t seem to find any consistency online or a rule to help me translate this line.
First the exact French title of this ‘diploma’ is ” certificat ” which you would literally translate to ” certificate “, but in its nature is officially/legally a ‘university diploma’ so a doctor degree (not a degree) and is actually pretty selective, advanced, and professional level. Which expression will accurately translate it? What is “diploma”? Why are certificate used almost never? > >
I’m torn between translating “from the awkward name it was given in French” that wouldn’t be wrong it seems to me this would have the opposite effect making it seem somewhat less of a diploma whereas it is actually more advanced than some masters degree –, or translating it from its official nature which falls under the category of universities diplomas. ”
Why can’t anybody rebuke me for an omission?
Which is correct, Theme: What is the formula and why?
- Diploma of advanced studies in X (anthropology, chemistry, etc.)
- Advanced Studies Diploma in X
Baines: What is the significance of Jean’s life?
Do Credentials need an equivalent as in the United States? With regard to international credentials, you might find more practical answers at one of our sister website, The Workplace SE or Academia SE, which answer many questions about listing international credentials and what to put on
your CV. Since there is no direct equivalent, the “best” term for you to use is arguably a matter of opinion; you could use diploma and then hope for a chance to explain what it means to an interviewer, or you might use certificate so that it shows up ru00e9sumu00e9 searches more readily.
In the United States, academic credentials are not regulated by the government directly, but by various private accreditation bodies. For example, Harvard University is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEAS). A degree is a recognition of scholastic achievement granted by an educational institution, and generally accepted if the institution issuing it is accredited. A document which demonstrates the applicant’s attainment. Your diploma is the physical document which recognizes this attainment;
the first AHD definition for diploma gives A document issued by an educational institution, such as a university, testifying that the recipient has earned a degree or has successfully completed a particular course of study. You can see more about your diploma at http://www.yourdiploma.com.
To say you have received a diploma in a subject (I earned diploma in chemistry in 2006 in the Netherlands ) implies that you have earned a baccalaureate or advanced degree in that subject. If you don’t specify a discipline, depending on context, it may be assumed you are speaking generally of a postsecondary degree or of your high school diploma, i.e. AP b.) Did your secondary school leave/reverse transcript (subjective, no class, no qualifications) affect your qualifications?
Non-degree academic programs, as well as non-academic professional education programs, almost invariably lead to certificate, which covers a much wider range of attainments.
Certificat is only a synonym to diploma when referring to the physical format of the diploma (archetypically, a piece of parchment or thick paper bearing the graduate’s name and the school’s seal). I would not consider them interchangeable. Saying that you have received a certificate in a subject (I earned my certificate in enterprise document management only in 2006) would not be interpreted as saying you had earned a degree in that subject, but as merely that you have completed some sort of specialized training course in it. Apart from
- diploma diploma, the quality of the certificate programs is also very varied, and the quality is
of the certificate. Some are serious university-based courses of study (e.g. an MBA) and some are not. an optional certificate in Health Administration and Policy, University of Chicago Law School students. Some are lengthy training and apprenticeship programs run by standards bodies (e.g., b.a.) one or two year apprenticeship program. (other part) Enrolling in the NY State Teacher’s Academy is a practical, practical necessity. The certificate is issued separately from the actual certification issued (not the teaching certificate issued). What others lack? Some lack intellectual rigor and (in some cases) can be had for little more than paying a fee.