By suspected or due to the suspicion, what is a non-existent (incomplete) crime?

What is the correct sentence for John Paulson?

  1. Why was John John convicted of the death of Rachel, and arrested. I’m not sure if she was liar or a robot. But he was caught with a narcotics.

  2. What evidence is located in the case of John W. Black? The police were told that Mr. John was behind the death of Rachel Parsons and he would not exist anymore.. So they arrested him.

How does both of the sentence above appear, to me? I think there’s a better way to describe second choice.

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

Is the first one wrong? When you have the phrase ” by ” to say a phrase that achieves a direct result this action can be defined as: “To say or by an ” Is it

good to plant flowers in your yard for generating a lot of interest?

In your example 1, you suggest that the police used the method of suspecting Mr. John’s responsibility to arrest him. How can I know someone is arrested without having evidence of an arrest? What may be the reason behind the arrest not the result of the action? If you wanted to use “by ” with an arrest, then this makes sense:

By handcuffing Mr. John and taking him into custody, police arrested him.

I’m an engineer at the University of Saskatchewan.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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