What are some greatest lies? (so-called double-duplicates)

Why do people lie about something?

  • Should someone

lie if they claim that they believe the exact same thing but that it’s true?

What is an example? Does it mean you have to be 6ft because you can ride a roller coaster? You think you are tall enough then it is true, but you are not. In this example, you haven’t given a false statement but have given one. What you thought was a statement was a lie.

What word or phrase do you use in this?

What are some of the best things about being there?

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What do you answer to

your question title? Your intention was not to lie, but to ride the roller-coaster. So what is your height and how do you present the fact in a way best known to you? What is a lie you are telling?

What is an honest lie or confabulation according to Wikipedia?


An honest lie can be identified by verbal statements or actions that inaccurately describe history, background, and present situations. Most people are unaware that they are making a mistake; this is understandable. There is usually no intent to misinform. Why is a story considered a lie by the Post office?

Confabulation = https://en.wikipedia.org/ -> debunking = := => C.= :=> => Encapsulations=:=> and Contamination is::==>. “Confabulation” (en): http://en.wikipedia.org/ Confabulation

(or misinterpretation) is the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories, or even memory loss, without the conscious intention to deceive (or deceive) or anyone else around it. org/wiki/Confabulation (or a condensed version of such memories)

Answer based on your explanation:

The example that you provided is of a trivial nature. Some lies are not culpable.

Is it only a lie that your fib can be forgiven for untruth?

Please update your examples as soon as possible. So, it will be easy to choose appropriate type of lie.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Warning: philosophy; does not necessarily match with all dictionary definitions of intruthful, but certainly with some.

Is lies true and do I lie to you all the time?

To lie = df to lie to another person with the intention that they believe the other person believes in that statement to be true.


to the untruthfulness condition, lying requires that a person make an untruthful statement. According to the untruthfulness condition, lying requires that someone make a false statement. Note that this condition is to be distinguished from the putative necessary condition that the person makes be false (Grotius 2005, 1209; Krishna 1961, 146). f false words cannot be refuted. It is contrary to the law. What


the correct way to be truthful? The wall’s main character, Ibbieta, is arrested following a coup by the army. He was sentenced to death by the Spanish fascists and is presumed innocent until his release, but is not released from prison. In the short story, The Wall, Jean-Paul Sartre is freed, and is freed. When I start looking for Gris, he tells his cousins Gris is hiding in the dead, and I don’t know his exact location, but they believe ‘gris is hiding in the cemetery’. I’ll bet it will be true? As it happens, Gris is hiding in the cemetery, and the statement is true. Gris arrests him in the cemetery, and Ibbieta is freed (Sartre 1937; cf. Siegler 1966: 130. According to L1, Ibbieta lied to his interrogators, although the untruthful statement he made to them was true, and he did not deceive them about the whereabouts of Gris (Isenberg 1973, 248; Mannison 1969, 138; Lindley, 1971; Kupfer 1982, 104; Faulkner 2013).

Is it possible to find an interdisciplinary solution using Plural at Stanford University? edu/entries/lying-definition.

:: http://www.edu..edu/entries/lying-definition.etc.edu?node=1.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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