What made the world “the worst round one care to remember”?
I am interested in the usage of “care to infinitive verb” in the following sentence in Jeffery Archer’s novel “Kane & Abel”:
“By the time they reached the eighteenth, Alan was eight holes down, and was about to complete the worst round he cared to remember” The player had a five-foot putt that would at least enable him to halve the final and therefore third hole positions. ”
Oxford Dictionary and another dictionary at hand define “care for/to do something” as “like or be willing to do or have something” What
are some examples of what is apparently odd to you? Why do we wish to erace painful memories by human nature? What will I do if I’m about to complete the worst round of the tour?
Would you let me just use the expression “I hope in it the last thing”? ”
‘. “Stadio: ‘” Is this literally “‘/'”?